
13 Pins
Free: The Old Norse Spell Book: Your Guide to the Elder Futhark, Norse Folklore, Runes, Paganism, Divination, and Magic
Campfire Confessions 🌲🔥😉
When you're a Viking and your idea of a 'hot date' is a campfire in the woods. #VikingLife #CampfireTales #LumberjackLifestyle #WoodsyWarrior #VikingHumor #SmokeySeduction #WildernessWhispers #BattleAxeBonding #FlameAndFame #NorseNights #ForestFlirtations #MeadByMoonlight
Just a Viking and His BFF Stormy Weather ⚡🌊😄
When your only shower option is a storm at sea and you're 100% okay with it. #VikingShowerThoughts #StormChaser #ThunderBuddy #NorseNature #RainyRagnarok #VikingVanities #SplashOfViking #SeaSpraySagas #MaelstromMate #WetWarriorWays #OdinsOwn #StormySagas #MightierThanTheWeather