ONE tailsigns can be hung on a wall..Sits one inch high off any flat top surface..and suction cup to any and all vehicles by two suction cups, two straps, and a cargo bar. Tailsigns can be wrapped or painted to match your business logo or the color of your car. Tailsigns scrolls up to 500 characters of words. Enough for a short story...Absolutely cool to have! As we do more and more custom designs for customers..We will be posting them on Pinterest and www.tailsigns.com
17 Pins
A tailsigns was customized for a business owner of a residential cleaning service in Atlanta, Ga... We matched tailsigns to they same type of grey of the Mercedes and he is happy with being able to advertise while driving. As well as having the option to hang his sign on the wall of his office and placing it in the window front of his store front office space. A plain sign is nice but won't say all that a digital sign can. Being able to hold up to 500 words of character to scroll at once.
Tailsigns that was customized for this soccer mom who just wanted to brag about her kids games and GPA each report card. She is a strong woman with lots to say...I told her that she had to represent tailsigns in a good way. LOL..She winked walked away! LOL...Beware drivers for this caravan on the roadways with saying crazy things on her tailsigns. Thanks for the sale Mrs. Melissa..!!!!
Here in the breakroom area of the construction company. The owner was a tough customer! But wanted to see if his purchasing a sign was worth it. I didn't believe I was tap dancing to get this sale but tailsigns proved itself good and we was able to finally close the deal. We customized it white to match his walls on the interior paint and his trucks.
Residential Cleaning Co. Owner had a tailsign customized to match his Mercedes truck...Using tailsigns in his office space in the window as well as suction cup to his SUV. A magnet sign is good he says but don't allow word changing as his new tailsigns does. Tailsigns holds up to 500 words of character of words to scroll and 4 to 6 memory shelves to easily switch messages. All done by remote control......Visit www.tailsigns.com for more information...
A custom tailsign for a Smoothie King...The owner was able to used it in the store, hang it on wall in different places, and give specials and his store location while driving. Input your messages by remote control. Getting a printed sign can't say as much as a Tailsign can....Visit www.tailsigns.com for more info....
Tailsigns is designed to be placed on vehicles as well as hung on walls and placed on any flat top surface. And most uniquely....Painted or wrapped to any design you may wish of. Visit www.tailsigns.com to see how cool one sign can be. No more waiting for a bumper sticker to say what you want to say. A tailsign can say it all...
Nelson is Atlanta's best window tint man....Hands down! And he just purchased a tailsign to advertise on his company car and display in his shop in Marietta, Ga.. He has scrolling the specials that he gives from time to time. Lifetime warranty and prices..Things that his painted signs don't say on his car. Details or extras for customers to know.....
A tailsign that has been camoflaged! Tailgaters wish list has been answered..Get your signed wrapped with your favorite team or business logo and have your messages scrolling while driving. Or hang tailsigns in your office or basement. Or sit a tailsign on any flat top surface in your office to let people know what is on your mind remotely. Only weighs 10 lbs. and no screws or bolts to attach a sign to your vehicle. Two suction cups, two straps, and a cargo bar secures it. www.tailsigns.com
Tailsigns is a brand new product being sold by one car, limo, small business, large business, fleet company, franchise, sport fan, college team, church at a time. Tailsign can tell more about your company than any other sign on the market for your vehicle. One tailsign can go everywhere with you and your business. No more bumper stickers! Just remotely program what you want to say and BAM! Call 678-819-3753 for more details or visit www.tailsigns.com
Tailsign with a custom cover over it. The tennis mom wanted to preserve her custom white tailsign. But we explained to her that we put 3 coats of clear enamel and she didn't have to worry about water or chipping. Tailsign is water resistant. Your able to leave it on in the rain while driving. This tennis playing mother of two lets everyone know she wins her matches while driving..For more info. visit www.tailsigns.com or call 678-819-3753!
This tailsign was customized and featured on the OWN Network with a little girl who had a birthday party. She wanted the sign to have white and pink rubies on it. With two G's on each end of the sign which stands for Glitter Girls. It was her theme of the party. She had program where the party was going to be and Happy Birthday to the worlds best 6 year old. LOL. The pixel didn't catch a good shot of the scrolling messages. Visit www. tailsigns.com to learn more...
Tailsigns has two straps, two suction cups, and a cargo bar securing it to any and all bumpers. It weighs only 10 lbs. and very easy to put on and take off and store in the trunk. Sleek and crafty!!!! After tailsigns...There is no other way to advertise! Magnets can't say as much a tailsign....No more waiting for a sticker to say what you want any more...Your able to type in anything within minutes with a remote. And for the near future. Voice to text via your iphone. Stay tuned!!
This customized tailsign fits perfectly on this Mercedes SUV. No bolts or screws to mount it. Two suction cups, two straps, and a cargo bar holds tailsigns securely on your bumper without any shaking or moving while driving. Only weighs 10 lbs. and very easy to place and adjust on the bumper. Visit www.tailsigns.com for more info....