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Dnd Homebrew MonstersDnd Stat BlocksDnd EnemiesStat BlockHomebrew Monsters5e MonstersDnd DmDnd StatsDnd MonsterThree Kobolds in a Trench CoatTHREE KOBOLDS IN A TRENCHCOAT THREE KOBOLDS IN A TRENCHCOAT A testament to acting-like-you-belong, the Three Kobolds in a Trenchcoat's technique of trickery centers around others not really looking very hard at them. Borne of ingenuity, tenacity and a spare trenchcoat, this group of kobolds cunningly blend in among humans and humanoid crowds. Medium humanoid Armor Class 12 Hit Points 15 (6d6 - 6) Speed 30ft. ANYONE COULD HAVE BEEN THREE KOBOLDS IN A TRENCHCOAT ALL ALONG STR DEX CON INT WIS…Know Your Meme1k
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