Learn, Unlearn and Relearn

95 Pins
The Forgotten Room
Research I undertook for my book, all about the brain #authorsofpinterest #writing #janecoombs #author #creativity
30 Days of Rewilding - find your place in nature and watch your family bloom! - Lulastic and the Hippyshake
30 Days of Rewilding - find your place in nature and watch your family bloom! - Lulastic and the Hippyshake
Critical Thinking | Edutopia
Critical Thinking Whether via classroom discussions, analysis of written text, higher-order questioning, or other strategies, learn and share ways to help students go deeper with their thinking.
VTV 007 : Visualizing The Zone Of Proximal Development - Verbal to Visual
In this episode of The Verbal To Visual Podcast I talk about an idea in education called the zone of ... Read More
Critiquing Discourse of Resilience in Education by @davidwebster
Sat at the Association of National Teaching Fellows one-day event in sunny Birmingham, I found [...]
The 10 skills you need to thrive in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
These are the top 10 skills you will need in the workplace in 2020.
Start A Fire
Organizations that don’t learn constantly, adapt continuously and execute relentlessly are more likely to be disrupted by constant change and competition. Peter Senge, in his book defined a learning organization as: “where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly
In the shadow of VUCA: A call for Soul and Sanctuary in Corporate Leadership • Center for Courage & Renewal
Teaching Students to Drive Their Brains: Metacognitive Strategies, Activities, and Lesson Ideas
If the difference between a student's success and failure were something specific you could teach, wouldn't you?
How to Fuel Students' Learning Through Their Interests | KQED
For David Preston, the term “open source learning” -- a variation on inquiry learning or passion-based learning -- is about helping students choose