Crystal Stones

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Abalone Shell Meanings, Properties, and Uses
Abalone shell symbolizes love, life, beauty, strength, calmness, tranquillity, and clarity in the spiritual histories of different cultures. Wearing abalone stone can bring charm, confidence, and spiritual powers, and takes away unpleasantness and darkness in your life. Its energy comes from the relaxing sound of the ocean waves, that transcends to the wearer of the abalone stone, making its psychic attributes used for crystal healing. #Abalone #shell #symbolizes #tranquillity
Morganite Meanings, Properties and Uses
Morganite is a highly spiritual and beautiful stone that helps you find out what you’re meant to do in this world. This stone will also help you understand that all your sufferings and pains in this world aren’t to give to difficult times and test your resolve, instead, they will aid you to accomplish growth in your emotional, spiritual and intellectual life. #Morganite #spiritual #intellectual ##stonedesign #crystalstone #crystalmeaning #crystal
Lapis Lazuli Meanings, Properties and Uses
With a name dancing on the tongue, a shimmering deep blue hue that leaves you in awe and rich history with artists and royalty, the Lapis Lazuli is indeed an epitome of all we adore about the mystical world of gemstones and healing crystals #LapisLazuli #Lapis #shimmering #mystical ##stonedesign #crystalstone #crystalmeaning #crystal
Amazonite Meanings, Properties, and Uses
Amazonite is among the ancient gemstones symbolizing calmness, truth, creativity, harmony, faith, optimism, and balance. Carrying the stone can fill your life with positive and hopeful energy throughout the day. Its energy comes after the Amazon River, sending both power and stillness, like the female warriors of the Amazonian tribe. #Amazonite #among #gemstone #symbolizing #stonedesign #crystalstone #crystalmeaning #crystal
Beryl Meanings, Properties and Uses
Beryl is one of the best stones for beginners. It can relieve thoughts and beliefs that are deeply ingrained. It also helps in clarifying your thoughts. Beryl can get rid of toxic emotions leaving only the pure ones. Moreover, it is the ideal stone for spiritual restriction since Beryl will get you moving on the right path. Its positive, as well as high vibrational your life and raising your self-confidence. #Beryl #beststones #properties #stonedesign #crystalstone #crystalmeaning #crystal
Seraphinite Meanings, Properties and Uses
Seraphinite is a strong stone that will imbue your life with potent light energy. It also has strong spiritual vibrations that can help you in attaining self-healing as well as enlightenment. Seraphinite will facilitate communication with the angelic realm, by aligning the higher planes. It helps you connected to the heavenly spark within the outer aspects of God as well as yourself. #Seraphinite #spiritual #Seraphinite #Properties #stonedesign #crystalstone #crystalmeaning #crystal
Sodalite meaning Properties and uses
Sodalite meaning The crystal owes its beautiful and gentle colors to the presence of iron, manganese and titanium. Still, some research suggests that the specific pinkish coloration is also caused by the delicate borosilicate fibers. #Sodalite #manganese #borosilicate #titanium #stonedesign #crystalstone #crystalmeaning #crystal
Smoky Quartz Meanings, Properties and Uses
In the realm of dark stones, the Smoky Quartz crystal offers beautiful and rare transparency that draws light into the shades of brown and black. With its crystalline structure as surreal and pale as a wisp of smoke, as clear and dark as midnight waters, or as rich and warm as a cognac by the fire, the smoky quartz honors its strong connection with Mother Earth. #Smoky #realm #surreal #crystalline #stonedesign #crystalstone #crystalmeaning #crystal
Rutilated Quartz Meanings, Properties and Uses
The ordinary clear quartz, dubbed as the Master Healer, made even more powerful with the whimsical strands or rutile of new energies. Learn more about the intensified energies and metaphysical properties of the rutilated quartz by reading below. #Rutilated #Quartz #ordinary #whimsical #stonedesign #crystalstone #crystalmeaning #crystal
Labradorite Meanings, Properties and Uses
The labradorate evokes the calm and serene landscape of nature offering peace of mind, enhanced psychic and spiritual abilities and intense emotional healing to anyone who lays their eyes on its surface. If you want to know more about this stone, then continue reading below.
Black Tourmaline Meanings, Properties and Uses
Although black tourmaline might be stripped of any vibrant color, its blackness makes it a powerful shield or cloak of protection to those who need it. Its potent, inky black energies with strong grounding forces make black tourmaline a swallower of negative energies. This stone is an effective tool for absolving dark feelings and turning the anxious vibrations into something positive that nurtures your soul. #BlackTourmaline #tourmaline #stripped #swallower
Ametrine Meanings, Properties and Uses
The power of spirituality and positivity combined in a single stone— that is the ametrine crystal. It’s a highly unique blend of two energies that shall bring transformation into your life. Learn how this two-in-one crystal can benefit your daily life.
Strawberry Quartz Meanings, Properties and Uses
The strawberry quartz is a beautiful healer of the heart and has the ability to bring the energies of universal love into your life. You will be amazed by how much universal love and energies you will attract with this stone by your side. Learn more about this heartwarming stone by reading below. #Strawberry #StrawberryQuartz #heartwarming #universalstone #stonedesign #crystalstone #crystalmeaning #crystal
Quartz Crystal Meanings properties and Uses
Quartz Crystal Meanings The gentle, blushing hue of rose quartz will snag everyone’s heart. There’s just something so feminine and soft about this crystal, oozing with pure love. So, it comes as no surprise that this crystal is the universal love stone. #Quartz #gentle #blushing #snag #feminine #stonedesign #crystalstone #crystalmeaning #crystal
Sunstone Meanings, Properties and Uses
For those who wish to bask in the warming energies, feel the light spilling across their skin or want to feel energized on a gloomy or lazy day, the Sunstone crystal is here to ensure that you keep a wonderful piece of endless summer close by. #Sunstone #spilling #stonedesign #crystalstone #crystalmeaning #crystal