music lessons

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Names of Scale Degrees and Their Importance - Violinspiration
Intervals explained part 6 - Beginner Music Theory - Yanick Drums
A perfect interval becomes diminished when you flatten it by one semitone (half step) without changing the name. Flatten a major interval by a tone (whole step) it becomes a diminished interval. Flatten a minor interval by a semitone (half step) it beomes a diminished interval. In the next example you see that we need to use a double flat to make these intervals diminished. Follow me for more!
Stem Direction And Dot Placement Explained - Beginner Music Theory - Yanick Drums
When a note has a stem the stem can either go up or down. The note position on the stave tells us what direction the stem should go. If a note is below the middle line the stem will go up. If a note is above the middle line the stem will go down. Which way do the stems go on the middle line you may ask? They can either be drawn up or down depending on the situation. It's really important to draw the stem on the right side of the note! Take a good look at the example to see on what side you need to draw the stem. Right away learn where to place the dot note on a stave. REMEMBER: the dot never goes to the left of the note! Follow me for more!
Dotted Notes Explained - Beginner Music Theory - Yanick Drums
Notes can have their lengths increased if we add one or more dots. Dot is a symbol that makes the note value increase its duration in half. It must be placed on the right of the note. A whole note is 4 beats long so when we add a dot we add half of the note value which is 2 so together you now have a note that last 6 beats long. Check the other examples. If you want to extend a note's values even more you can alos have double dotted notes. They are rare but come up from time to time in music theory. The second dot adds half of the first dots value to the note. Follow me for more!
Essential Music Theory Guides (With Free Printables!)
Essential Music Theory Guides (With Free Printables!)
The Circle of Fifths Complete Guide! - Jade Bultitude
How to Remember Key Signatures (From a Musician and Memory Expert)
How to Remember Key Signatures (From a Musician and Memory Expert)