Maya Raichoora on Instagram: "METHODS EXPLAINED👇🏽 Negative thinking is human. The aim isn’t to get rid of it, but to not let it consume you. 2 and 4 are most effective for me. 1. NTT method (Negative thinking time): Assign 5-10 minutes a day to allow negative thoughts When you get a negative thought (outside NTT), jot it down and review it in the time period. Paradoxically, this gives you more control. 2. The double standard method: Ask yourself, ‘would I say this to my best friend?’ 90% of us don’t treat ourselves like we treat others Catch your self talk/judgement. Pause. Respond like a best friend would. 3. The court room method: Be an objective judge and put your thoughts on trial. Are the thoughts factually true? Does the evidence point to you failing? Or not being good enough