The Case for Picture Rails in Modern-Day Interior Design
Picture rails are strips of molding that adhere to walls and run horizontally around the room, typically aligning with the tops of any windows.
Craftsman Picture Rail Supplies: A Guide |
Picture rails are a thing of the past, but really they should be installed in every home. You don't have to worry about making holes in walls, and you can change and move your art often with a picture rail system. I've hunted down all the supplies you need to take full advantage of this great hanging system. Read on for more info:
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Bang a nail into the drywall? Maybe not, if yours is a period house. Here’s a rundown of picture-hanging conventions from 1840–1940.
Retro Swirl Switch Plate
How to Install an AFCI Breaker
How to Install an AFCI Breaker circuit breaker, AFCI, arc, electrical fire
54 Old House Repairs and Upgrades ideas | old house, repair, home repair