Abbie Emmons ProfileAbbie EmmonsSites For Writers100 Days Of SunlightOld PoetryContemporary NovelsPower Of StorytellingIndie PublishingWrite Every DayMake Your Story Matter — Abbie EmmonsAbbie Emmons3
Story Arc TemplateCharacter Arc WorksheetWord StructureWriting StepsImprove Writing SkillsImprove WritingCharacter ArcFree StoriesMiddle School Language ArtsHow To Write Powerful Character Arcs (+ FREE Template) | AbbieeIf you don't have a powerful character arc, you don't have a powerful story. Because your character's arc (or transformation) is the story, not the plot.65
Abbie Emmons ProfileAbbie EmmonsWrite A NovelCharacter ProfileSummer MoodA NotebookNew And ImprovedMy Favorite CharacterNovel WritingAbbie Emmons Profile4
Abbie Emmons ProfileAbbie EmmonsWriter MemesWriting HumorFunniest JokesWriting MemesHilarious VideosYou Found MeMemes Hilarious𝑻𝒉𝒆.This is Abbie Emmons, by the way. Great YouTuber, amazing writing tips, has saved my work on several occasions.22
Abbie Emmons ProfileAbbie EmmonsBecoming An AuthorAuthor DreamsCharacter ArcCute RomanceReading StoriesHow To CraftStrong FemaleAbout - Abbie EmmonsHey there! I’m Abbie, and I help writers make their stories matter by teaching them how to harness the power...7
Abbie EmmonsCharacter Profile TemplateNovel Writing TipsWriter ProblemsFantasy Romance NovelsAuthor TipsWriting ArticlesBook ScrapbookEpic CharactersVideo Series: How To Craft Relatable And Addictive CharactersStory is not about what happens. It's about how what happens affects and transforms the characters. If you can get someone to fall in love with your characters and to relate to them, they will be addicted to read anything that happens to those characters — whether it's a trip to Starbucks or a voyage across the galaxy.7
Climax IdeasAbbie EmmonsPlotting A NovelAuthor DreamsPlot StructureWriting GenresWriting PlotWriting Inspiration TipsWriting GroupsHow to Write a Dramatic Climax (Tried and True Formula for ANY Genre)All writers need to know how to write a dramatic climax. But most writers have totally misunderstood the climax. They think ACTION is the secret ingredient695
Abbie Emmons ProfileAbbie EmmonsAuthor DreamsHate To LoveAha MomentIndie PublishingSo EmotionalStrong Female CharactersCharacter ArcTutorial: How to Format Your Own eBook Using VellumFormatting your own ebook is simple and fun with Vellum! Want a BEAUTIFUL and PROFESSIONAL ebook? In this tutorial, I'll show you how I formatted my ebook.9
Abbie EmmonsResearch ProcessStack Of BooksThe SubjectI Got ThisSubjectsWritingReadingBooksAbbie Emmons3