Modelling Clay Play Dough House | DIY Play Dough Houses for Beginners | By Activities For Kids | Everyone, in this video we are going to make this beautiful fairy house. Let's make it using clay. So we are going to press this orange clay and make the base. Now we are going to put all the fairy lights inside it and we are making the trees. Similar way make the house, its doors and windows using clay. We are putting all the windows as well. Add more details like these small strips of clay and make the small details on the doors and windows. Similar way we are adding all the pattern on the top of the range clay make the rose flowers and trees and put it like this around the house which on the light and look your fairy lightning house is ready. In this video we are going to make this beautiful clay model. Let's get started. First we are going to cut a circle. For the base of the house similar way we are putting more clay layers on the top of it like green layer. Now we are making the house using white clay. After this we are making the doors and windows for the house a way. Make the roof as well. Cut the extra part. Now we are making the tree tongue using brown clay. Put all of them on its side and look at the details of these petals. How pretty these are looking. So we are making these flower petals and put it on the top of the flower and put it on the top of the tree and house like this. Similar way we are adding more grass using green clay and we are making little pumpkins as well. Let's make ends now. We are going to roll these black clay and put all of them one after another and we are making these small legs. Put both of them like we are doing here and look the ants are holding pumpkins and look a clay model is ready. We are going to make this colourful clay house. Let's get started. First we are making the base using this blue clay. Now we are making different other elements like the house and dots and windows using clay. Use the scale and cutter and we are making these small details. Put all of them on the house, make its doors and windows. Now we are making the site as well and look it's ready. After this make trees using brown clay similar way we are making little balls of the clay put it on the tree, trunk and look it's ready. Similar way we are adding grass and look your beautiful clay house is ready. Look at this clay house. Let's make it and the trees are looking so pretty. First we making the base. So spread this green clay and we are tapping this brush and give it texture. Now we are making the house using white clay and make the doors and windows using brown clay, make the roof as well, make a hole and put the chimney on top of it. Now put the house on the green grass similar way. We are adding more details. Now we are making colourful trees. We are also adding colour using sketch pen and add textures like this and make different trees like orange, yellow, green put it around the house, make pumpkins and look your beautiful clay house model is ready. Thank you so much for watching this video.
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5.9K views · 10K reactions | I ordered a new texture sheet from @moikosilkscreens and was so excited to try this technique again. It’s one of my favorites when it comes to adding texture and contrast colors to clay! Doesn’t that base clay remind you of a delicious glass of Merlot? These are such beautiful fall colors! Can’t wait to show you the finished product ! | Silver Frostings