Drunk driving

Walk Like MADD | Mothers Against Drunk Driving
Walk Like MADD
Drunk Drivers Responsible For 20% Of Child Fatalities In Auto Accidents
Drunk Drivers Responsible For 20% Of Child Fatalities In Auto Accidents
MADD urges everyone to plan safe rides home this Thanksgiving
Driving drunk is a choice so decide BEFORE you drive. Let's make drunk driving and all of it's consequences something only found in history books.
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A campaign for Mother's Against Drunk Driving (MADD) to get across a simple but important message through stick figure window stickers.
How to Talk Your Teenager about Drunk Driving
Drunk Driving infographic
if you go to a club and try to leave you will be tested on how drunk you are. if you pass the limit your car keys will be taken and you will stay the night there (there will be rooms offered with caretakers when needed) or you will be sent home in a cab
National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month [INFOGRAPHIC] - Blog
Some sobering facts about driving drunk & drugged | Alcohol Abuse | #recovery #alcohol #sober www.hawaiianrecovery.com