Math tutoring

Mathnasium of Oak Ridges is your neighbourhood math-only learning centre, where your child can find a tutor who can make them understand and even love math. We help students in grades 2 to 12 understand math with a teaching method that will make perfect sense to them. Here, we use the Mathnasium Method, a tried-and-tested method that has transformed the way kids across the US and Canada learn math.
63 Pins
Math Tutors in Richmond Hill, ON - Mathnasium of Oak Ridges
For students who already excel in math, the sky’s the limit. They will work to expand their math skills and, with math learning made exciting, can see all the doors that being great at math can open: #Mathnasium #MathnasiumOakridges #Mathematics #education
Mathnasium instructors use our unique assessment process to determine (with great accuracy) exactly what each child knows and what they need to learn: #Mathnasium #Oakridges #Mathematics #MathnasiumOakridges
5 beloved family-friendly movies you didn't know were about math. One of these may inspire a budding STEM student in your family! #Mathnasium #MathnasiumOakridges
Math Tutors in Richmond Hill, ON - Mathnasium of Oak Ridges
Thirty minutes a day of hands-on learning can help stop the summer slide #Mathematics #MathnasiumOakridges #Mathnasium
“Early math skills have the greatest predictive power, followed by reading and then attention skills,” reports a psychology squad led by Greg J. Duncan, in School readiness and later achievement, published in Developmental Psychology in 2007: #Mathematics #MathnasiumOakridges #Mathnasium
The discipline of mind that children develop in math class can carry over into everyday life. Companies know this, as some businesses will hire math majors based on the presumption that students who are good at math have learned how to think: #Mathematics #MathnasiumOakridges #Mathnasium
Math Tutor Shares Tips to Reinforce What Your Child Learns at School
#MathTutor Shares Tips to Reinforce What Your Child Learns at School - Math is often one of the more difficult lessons for younger children to grasp. In fact, you may not have been particularly fond of #math back when you were younger. This can sometimes make it a little difficult for your children to grasp a better understanding of #mathlessons from school, leading to disinterest or even lower grades.
Math Tutors in Richmond Hill, ON - Mathnasium of Oak Ridges
How good are your money math skills? Good enough to figure out this week’s #WordProblem challenge? There’s only one way to find out. Give it a try: #Mathnasium #MathnasiumOakridges
Math Tutors in Richmond Hill, ON - Mathnasium of Oak Ridges
Traveling this summer? Rather than have the kids “tune out” with electronics, have them “turn on” their brains with math games! #mathlove #mathnasium #mathnasiumoakridges
Math in elementary school forms the foundation for all your child’s future math studies. To make it understandable, we take an orderly, logical approach to teaching it to your child: #Mathematics #MathnasiumOakridges #education #Mathnasium
We'll help your kid fundamental math concepts, teach children how to study math properly and make learning fun so children look forward to math classes instead of dreading them: #Mathematics #MathnasiumOakridges #education #Mathnasium
Many young children show a natural interest in math. If you notice this interest fading over time, don’t take it for granted. We can make learning fun and inspire your kid to excel in math now and in the future: #Mathematics #MathnasiumOakridges #education #Mathnasium
Flat Stanley is looking for adventure this summer! Can you help him find it? #Mathematics #MathnasiumOakridges #education #Mathnasium
You can expect a mathematical equation to have a predictable outcome, and precise steps must be followed in order to attain that result. The discipline of mind that children develop in math class can carry over into everyday life: #Mathematics #MathnasiumOakridges #education #Mathnasium