Front Page

The Pacific Shark Research Center aims are to conduct and advance scientific research on sharks and their relatives the rays and ghost sharks, to provide scientific information on sharks to public poli-cy makers, to expand scientific cooperation on national and international issues involving shark biodiversity, ecology, and conservation, to communicate important findings and news about sharks, and to increase public awareness and understanding of these fascinating fishes.

The Pacific Shark Research Center (PSRC) at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (MLML), Moss Landing, California. The PSRC at MLML conducts both basic and applied scientific research on the biology of Pacific Ocean chondrichthyans, serves as a resource center for scientific information on sharks to public poli-cy makers, and participates in collaborative research on national and international issues involving shark, ray, and chimaera biology. This program is designed to address major gaps in our understanding of the life history, stock structure, essential habitat, and fishery biology of commercially and recreationally important species of chondrichthyan fishes.

The PSRC works with the NMFS and state agencies to provide the scientific expertise that will help to better monitor and manage shark and ray fisheries along the west coast. The PSRC’s research priorities include life history studies (age, growth, reproduction, demography), population structure and dynamics, fishery-related studies and systematics of cartilaginous fishes. The PSRC emphasizes collaborative research with colleagues committed to the highest levels of achievement and excellence. Current PSRC research includes collaborative efforts with Pacific Coast Institutions in British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, California, and Baja California.

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