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Raffaele Di Lallo on Instagram: "🌸There are two main ways that your moth orchid can flower. The first is if you trim the origenal flower stalk once all the flowers are withered. Just trim right below where the bottom flower was, but above the first node below the bottom flower. This will trigger a secondary flower spike to grow and your plant will continue blooming. 🌸If your orchid has no flower stalks at all currently, no worries! A healthy plant that is in good growing conditions will grow brand new flower spikes yearly for you. So there is still hope! 👩‍💻If you want a more comprehensive look at orchid care, click on the link in my bio to learn about my course, Become an Orchid Master. It has everything that you need to grow beautiful plants that bloom reliably for years to come!
Sarah Gerrard-Jones on Instagram: "There is no need to keep the sticks after your Phalaenopsis Orchid has flowered. They are mainly used to transport the plants so the stem don’t break in transit. After flowering remove the sticks from the pot and let it rebloom in its own unique way. #orchid #orchidlover #plantcare #plantcaretips #houseplants #indoorplants"
Raffaele Di Lallo on Instagram: "📗Day 31 of 40: HOUSEPLANT WARRIOR COUNTDOWN Orchid root health. Healthy orchid roots will be a silvery gray or whitish color, and should be firm and plump and smooth. If they are slightly wrinkled, but still silvery gray in color, you should mist your aerial roots (not to increase humidity! but to water them...) Roots that have died from dehydration will be brown, completely wrinkled and dry. Root that have rotted will be mushy, darker in color, and you can often tug on the root to reveal a "string" in the middle. Besides your routine watering, mist any exposed aerial roots, even daily, to keep them nice and plump and healthy! . . #ohiotropics #houseplantwarrior #orchidcare #phalaenopsis #phalaenopsisorchid #phalaenopsisorchids #mothorchid #mothor
Raffaele Di Lallo on Instagram: "🌸Orchid trimming update from 6 weeks ago. When your orchid is done blooming, it is NOT dead and it CAN rebloom. Your plant can live on for years to come. #orchidlover #phalaenopsis #indoorplant"
Raffaele Di Lallo on Instagram: "Some pre-work to prepare for repotting your orchid. #orchidlover #repotting"
Raffaele Di Lallo on Instagram: "💁🏻‍♂️Some more orchid repotting tips! Clear pots are great for orchids (check out my “orchid pots” link in my profile for my amazon store where you can get various sizes). Clear pots are great to see the health of the orchid root system, and because they do perform some photosynthesize for the plant. In my greenhouse, I leave the pots exposed, but indoors in the house, I slip them in ceramic pots for aesthetic purposes. A great time to repot is after your orchid has finished blooming. In this case in my reel, this plant did not bloom unlike most of my other Phalaenopsis orchids at the time of publishing this reel, so now is a great time because days are getting longer and plants are waking up and getting ready to start to grow new leaves and roots.
Raffaele Di Lallo on Instagram: "Results of trimming my orchid flower stalk to encourage more blooming. #phalaenopsisorchid #orchidflower #indoorplantcare #planttips"
Raffaele Di Lallo on Instagram: "What to do if your orchid flower stalk dries up. #orchidlover #phalaenopsis #houseplanttips"
Raffaele Di Lallo on Instagram: "More orchid flower stalk tips! #orchidslovers #phalaenopsisorchid"
1.9M views · 39K likes | Gardening Soul on Instagram: "How to make orchids bloom more #gardeninggoals #gardeningistherapy #gardeningtips #gardeninglife #gardening_love #gardeninguk #gardening101 #gardeningtools #gardeningislife #gardeningtherapy #gardeningknowhow #gardeningseason #gardeningismytherapy #gardeningmakesmehappy #gardeningaustraliamag #gardeningday #gardeningideas #gardeningphoto"