My Blog Posts

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Where's Your Helmet?
This week we discuss our second piece of spiritual armor: the helmet of salvation. Find out why a helmet is important and how to get salvation. | Where's Your Helmet? | Making the Most Blog
Young Lives Matter: 5 Ways to Make a Difference in the Lives of Young People
Many young people struggle with feeling valued by older generations. Here are 5 ways that you can make a difference in the lives of young people | Young Lives Matter: 5 Ways to Make a Difference in the Lives of Young People | Making the Most Blog
Persistent in Prayer
The last thing Paul calls us to do after putting on the armor of God is to pray. Find out what we are to pray for and how we are to do it. | Persistent Prayer | Making the Most Blog
Anticipating Rest
God calls us to rest. Even He rested on the third day. How do you plan to incorporate rest into your life?
On the Other Side of Pain
It's difficult sometimes to think about what joy could come out of our painful experiences. Can we look beyond the loss and anticipate what the future holds?
The Belt of Truth
The Bible says in Ephesians that the belt of truth is the first piece of armor we are to put on. Why is this significant? Find out more on the blog. | The Belt of Truth | Making the Most Blog
The Best Shoes
As you continue to put on the armor of God, don't forget your shoes of peace! Why shoes? What do they have to do with peace? Find out more why they're important on the blog. | The Best Shoes | Making the Most Blog
Why I Admire Working Moms
Sometimes moms look down on each other for what they do, whether they stay at home or work outside the home. Today I'm here to tell you why I admire working moms. Find out more on the blog! | Why I Admire Working Moms | Making the Most Blog
Bullet-Proof Heart
Bullet-Proof Heart. Explore the true meaning of the breastplate of righteousness. | Bullet-Proof Heart | Making the Most Blog
Why I Admire Homeschool Moms
We personally send our kids off to public school, and I doubt I will ever homeschool them. But I must say that find homeschool moms to be some of the most patient, wonderful creatures ever made. Here's why. | Why I Admire Homeschool Moms | Making the Most Blog
Dear Addict
Drug addicts aren't who you think they are. Addiction isn't what you think it is. An "I get you" post from a non-addict to the addict | Dear Addict | Making the Most Blog
Time to Play Offense: How to Wield the Sword of the Spirit
Our primary form of offense against Satan's attacks is the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God. Find out how to use this weapon from the armor of God. | Time to Play Offense: How to Wield the Sword of the Spirit | Making the Most Blog
Grace Unknown
So often we think that we need to work to deserve God's grace. In reality, we don't. More about grace and what that means for us at Making the Most.
How Do You Get Dressed?
How do you get dressed in the morning? Are you putting everything on that you're supposed to? Check out this blog post to find out what you may be missing.