the snowman name activity is shown in blue and white with two pictures on it

Editable Snowman Name Activity - A Winter Craft

Product Details
Make this editable snowman name activity with your students this winter season! Each student can make a snowman with the letters in their name. An excellent winter craft to promote name recognition in your preschool, PreK, or Kindergarten classrooms. To add your students' names to the snowballs you will need to download the free version of Adobe Reader. There is also a link in the file to the free reader. Then just type the letters into the grey boxes. You can also write the students' names or have them add a letter to each snowball.Print on white construction paper and cut them out. Have your students glue the pieces to make their snowman names on contrasting paper.Enjoy!Be sure to follow and be the first to know about new products which are discounted for the 1st 48 hours, freebies, and more!More winter resources you might like.... Winter Preschool Writing Activity What Is Missing? Winter Memory Game Winter Preschool Scissor Puzzle Activity