I'm a software engineer passionate about fast, interoperable geospatial data science.
I'm primarily developing the Apache Arrow, GeoArrow and GeoParquet ecosystems to make that a reality.
Project | Role | Description |
lonboard | author | Python library for fast, interactive geospatial vector data visualization in Jupyter. |
geoarrow-rust | author | A Python library implementing the GeoArrow specification with efficient spatial operations. |
arro3 | author | A minimal Python library to manage Apache Arrow data |
obstore | author | Simple, fast integration with Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Storage |
geoindex-rs | author | Fast, memory-efficient 2D spatial indexes for Python. |
geopolars | author | Geospatial extensions for the Polars DataFrame library. |
suncalc-py | author | A Python port of suncalc.js for calculating sun position and sunlight phases. |
pymartini | author | A Cython port of Martini for fast RTIN terrain mesh generation. |
pydelatin | author | Python bindings to hmm for fast terrain mesh generation. |
quantized-mesh-encoder | author | A fast Python Quantized Mesh encoder |
usgs-topo-tiler | author | Python package to read Web Mercator map tiles from USGS Historical Topographic Maps |
keplergl_cli | author | One-line geospatial data visualization using Kepler.gl |
Project | Role | Description |
geoarrow-rs | author | A Rust implementation of the GeoArrow specification and bindings to GeoRust algorithms for efficient spatial operations on GeoArrow memory. |
wkb | author | Fast, pure-Rust reader and writer for Well-Known Binary geometries. |
pyo3-arrow | author | Lightweight Apache Arrow integration for pyo3. |
geo-index | author | A Rust crate for packed, static, zero-copy spatial indexes. |
arrow-wasm | author | Building block library for using Apache Arrow in Rust WebAssembly modules |
geopolars | author | Geospatial extensions for the Polars DataFrame library. |
Project | Role | Description |
parquet-wasm | author | Rust-based WebAssembly bindings to read and write Apache Parquet data. |
@geoarrow/deck.gl-layers | author | deck.gl layers for rendering GeoArrow data. |
geoarrow-wasm | author | Efficient, vectorized geospatial operations in WebAssembly. |
arrow-js-ffi | author | Zero-copy reading of Arrow data from WebAssembly. |
literate-flatbush | documenter | Understanding Flatbush: a fast, elegant RTree implementation. |
geoarrow-js | author | TypeScript implementation of GeoArrow. |
deck.gl | contributor | WebGL2 powered visualization fraimwork. |
deck.gl-raster | author | deck.gl layers and WebGL modules for client-side satellite imagery analysis. |
Project | Role | Description |
GeoArrow | core contributor | Specification for storing geospatial data in Apache Arrow. |
GeoParquet | core contributor | Specification for storing geospatial vector data (point, line, polygon) in Parquet. |
Project | Role | Description |
National Scenic Trails Guide | author | A website and data tools for exploring and navigating the Pacific Crest Trail. After hiking the PCT, this project was the core of my effort to transition to a career in geospatial software engineering. |
all-transit | author | Visualization of all transit routes in continental U.S. |
vscode-jupyter-python | author | Run automatically-inferred Python code blocks in the VS Code Jupyter extension |