christmas ideas for kids

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This was the picture board I made for my Mom's surprise 80th birthday party. It came out great!! I used one piece of foam core board for each number ($1 at Dollar Tree) as the backing, printed pictures in a Word document grayscale (maybe cheaper to have printed at office supply), and glued (glue stick) and taped (invisible) the pictures on the front and back. Making the stands was more of a challenge. Enjoyed by all!!
Christmas Gifts for Parents from Students: The Best Idea for 2025 - Teaching with Jodi Durgin and Company
Christmas Gifts for Parents from Students | Jodi Durgin Education Co.
10 Affordable Options For Student Christmas Gifts From Teachers
Are you looking for student Christmas gift ideas? If you're a teacher looking for affordable ideas for classroom gifts you can give your students, this blog post is for you. I've done the leg work and put together 10 affordable ideas for student Christmas presents that are perfect for elementary school kids. So, check out these 10 easy and affordable gift ideas for the holidays.
Little House on the Prairie Gift Ideas: Nightgown, Cap, Tin Cup and MORE!
A Little House Christmas: Go back in time with this darling Little House on the Prairie themed Christmas gift! Complete with a homemade nightgown & night cap, tin cup, peppermint candy, mini hear pan, and a coin.