
40 Pins
;Tattoo Prep: TIPS FOR THE DAY OF A beforehand. AVOId alcohol me day before & the day of. cash for your tip. In dark co‘ors to avoid mk or blood stains. Stay calm & do breathing exercises to make yourself relaxed. water. Don't take any painkillers. In perfume or cologne. some light cardm beforehand. Set aside enough time so you won‘t have to rush this. - iFunny
40 Meaningful Anxiety Tattoos To Give You Strength and Help You Cope
Tattoos have become a powerful form of self-expression, allowing individuals to convey their personal journeys and struggles in a visible, artistic manner. For those dealing with anxiety, certain tattoo designs can offer a sense of comfort, serve as reminders of strength, and provide a daily affirmation to cope with stress. Below are some specific categories of tattoos that can be particularly meaningful for individuals managing anxiety.
91+ Sea Turtle Tattoos That Will Ride the Wave to Your Soul
Looking for Sea Turtle Tattoos?! If you're looking for sea turtle tattoo ideas, whether simple or realistic sea turtle tattoos - These are the perfect sea turtle tattoos for women
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Like the location!! Maybe add Bible verse Hebrews 6:19