The preparation time of your orders is a maximum of 2 days. The delivery time for America is 4/7 days. You can get information for other countries via message. We want to shine a light on the smile on your face on your most special day. Our promotional prices are low. Please note that this is for promotional purposes only. We can create your own unique and selected color designs together. Stay in touch with us. It is the perfect choice to choose a rustic groom boutonniere model for your special day. It is designed with dried and shock flowers. Best man bouquet Price, 1 PC price. Discounts apply on multiple purchases. Each boutonniere may differ little from each other. We want your approval before we send it. So contact us. We pack carefully to ensure that your products are not damaged in the cargo during shipment. But because it is designed with breakable flowers, it can be damaged and treated very little. Please consider this when ordering. Your satisfaction is very important to us. ✈️ Delivery Details ✈️ ✈️ Ship in the same day with UPS, DHL, or FedEx. So your orders delivery in 1-5 days. ✈️ Delivery will be completed by shipment such as UPS, DHL, or FedEx. ✈️ You will receive a tracking number to monitor the status of your shipment. Stay with love. I wish you a pleasant shopping.