Waste bins

377 Pins
Portarifiuti per la raccolta differenziata - Complementi - Torino Milano
Portarifiuti per la raccolta differenziata - Complementi - Torino Milano
OFFICE Waste separation bin for offices modern design, modular – PoubelleDirect.com
✨ Type of material: sheet steel✨ Free of charge: recycling pictograms of your choice✨ Delivery: max 6-8 weeks--OFFICE Recycling bin for office modern design, modular
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Concrete litter bin, model from Encho Enchev - ETE product catalog with the characteristic elegant combination of natural embossed mosaic and high-quality metal. The concrete is high-performance, reinforced and fiber strengthened. The aggregate structure is composed of natural marble or granite stones of precisely defined dimensions and the surface is treated with a special protective coating.
Litter bin | Concrete waste bin - Model 240 | Encho Enchev-ETE | Concrete garbage bin | Park and street bins | Concrete trash can