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Painted faces, scarred bodies, wooden guns and extravagant headdresses: Amazing photographs reveal the lost world of the Omo tribes of Ethiopia
Fantastic collection of photos of the Omo tribel - Celebration: Photographer Hans Silvestre described the paint and head dresses worn by his subjects as a 'kind of coquetry, seduction, pride and celebration'
Bagobo Tribal Woman by Jojie Alcantara
******. Wow, she is beautiful!! She has such a tranquil look about her. More
Leonard Cohen told me that everything of any importance that he had learned so far, he had learned from a woman.
CD Baby Music Store
Leonard Cohen (born 21 September 1934-) - Canadian singer-songwriter, musician, poet, and novelist
On Dressing Age Appropriate - Advanced Style
Eccentric Older Women | On Dressing Age Appropriate
Not there yet but: Yes!! SUCK IT pubescent-focused Madison Ave! We have all the disposable income anyway! #figureitout #madisonavewho?