Critical Mormon

122 Pins
Also Gospel-their meaning is not the same meaning ( Good News). Priesthood in early Mormonism was code for living Polygamy.
Tithing or Food - Stuff You Missed in Sunday School
Mormon, LDS and getting paid to preach hate. SO thankful I'm an EX-mormon and I'm not paying for these dumb old men leading the mormon church.
What a cruel, nasty old man he is. His constant protestations only indicated internalized homophobia.
Examining Mormon history and doctrine
#Utah has its own category. #depression #stress #LDS #health #wellness
Kinderhook Plates; Hoax or History?
Mormon Infographics: Kinderhook Plates; Hoax or History? Joseph Smith = OOPS! SO glad to be an ex-mormon!
Mormon problems. Faith. Honesty. Integrity. Truth. FHE lesson idea.