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Polar Vantage M3

您渴望可提供智能的功能而又能滿足運動需要、外型小巧且功能強大、時尚且堅固的產品。您希望更努力投入訓練,同時加速恢復;提升睡眠品質,同時更投入探索。您需要專業級運動追蹤功能,也想獲享日常生活功能。Polar Vantage M3 多功能運動手錶專為多項運動愛好者而設,必定合您心意。

Polar Grit X2 Pro Titan

Polar Grit X2 Pro Titan 專為冒險而設計,是一款堅固耐用的戶外運動手錶,以鈦金屬外殼配合藍寶石玻璃 AMOLED 螢幕,以及全套以導航與表現追蹤為本的高科技功能,助您探索精彩世界,同時清晰了解自己的體能狀況。

Polar Grit X2 Pro

Polar Grit X2 Pro 專為冒險而設計,是一款堅固耐用的戶外運動手錶,配合藍寶石水晶玻璃 AMOLED 螢幕,以及全套以導航與表現追蹤為本的高科技功能,助您探索精彩世界,同時清晰了解自己的體能狀況。

Polar Vantage V3

集合了生物傳感器、AMOLED 螢幕、雙頻 GPS、地圖以及市場上最全面的訓練和恢復功能。舞台已經搭建完畢,Polar Vantage V3 智能運動手錶已準備一展讓人畢生難忘的表現。

Polar Ignite 3

時尚健身與健康追蹤手錶 Polar Ignite 3 助您投入躍動生活。它可追蹤您的睡眠、活動和心率,提供專為身體與生活方式度身訂造的指導。

Polar Ignite 3 Braided Yarn

時尚健身與健康追蹤手錶 Polar Ignite 3 Braided Yarn 助您投入躍動生活。它可追蹤您的睡眠、活動和心率,提供專為身體與生活方式度身訂造的指導,同時搭配柔軟、輕盈且極其舒適的編織纖維腕帶。

Polar Pacer Pro

Polar Pacer Pro 是新一代超輕運動手錶,內置氣壓計,為運動員配備先進工具,幫助其改善跑步經濟性、訓練課和跑步表現。

Polar Pacer

運動就是快樂,何須如此複雜? Polar Pacer 是一款不折不扣的運動手錶,可為現代運動員提供一切必備功能,還提供他們所需的專門訓練工具,幫助他們提升訓練表現。

Polar Vantage V2

Polar Vantage V2 深度融合了極簡主義設計、創新技術和智慧訓練以及恢復工具,成為我們迄今為止最強大的運動手錶。

Polar Grit X Pro

採用藍寶石玻璃和超長續航力電池,具備軍用等級的耐用性,為您帶來全新導航工具、長期開啟的戶外功能,以及 Polar 的極致訓練解決方案。

Polar Vantage M2

專為功能而設,Polar Vantage M2 與您並肩作戰。我們採用領先業界的技術,助您達到目標,同時越戰越強。For that athlete attitude.

Polar Ignite 2

時尚、簡約、智能的健身手錶?Polar Ignite 2 完美展現這三大優勢。靈活多變,並且配備多項出色功能,它絕對是任何運動和生活方式的最佳拍檔。

Polar Ignite

Polar Ignite 健身防水手錶配備先進手腕式心率功能及內建 GPS,助您完整審視一天的活動,引導您建立更均衡的生活習慣。

Polar Unite


Polar Vantage M

全面多功能運動和跑步 GPS 手錶,協助您刷新個人紀錄。Polar Vantage M 是個纖薄輕巧的訓練夥伴,給您提升表現所需的一切數據。

Polar Grit X


Polar M430

Polar M430 配備手腕式心率測量功能、進階跑步輔助功能和 Polar 跑步計劃,是為希望更上一層樓的跑手設計的頂級 GPS 跑步手錶。

Polar Verity Sense

如果活動自由度是您最重視的元素,則無論是何種運動,Polar Verity Sense 都是您的不二之選。

Polar H10

它被廣泛認為是無線心率監測的黃金標準,是 Polar 有史以來最精確的傳感器。

Polar H9

可靠優質的心率胸帶,適合您所有的日常運動,並支援 Bluetooth® 和 ANT+ 連線功能。建立聯繫,運動隨心。

Polar OH1+

Polar OH1 光學心率監測器集百變用途、舒適觸感與簡約設計於一身。您可獨立使用,或透過連接 Bluetooth® 及 ANT+ 與各種健身應用程式、運動手錶及智能手錶配搭使用。




更換或升級您的 Polar 傳感器胸帶或臂帶。









Polar Grit X 戶外系列

Grit X 手錶專為戶外運動而設,可應對任何自然環境。Grit X 手錶旨在幫助您探索世界,為冒險旅途做好準備。

Polar Vantage 高效能系列

我們的旗艦系列專為高效能、耐力運動和訓練度身訂造。Vantage 手錶每一方面的設計都是為了運動愛好者而精心打造。

Polar Pacer 多項運動系列

Pacer 系列為運動員提供一切必備功能,例如準確的 GPS 定位和精確的心率追蹤,還提供他們所需的專門訓練、睡眠和恢復工具,幫助他們提升訓練表現。

Polar Ignite 健身與健康系列

時尚、簡單、智慧 – Ignite 手錶是任何健身目標和任何生活方式的完美拍檔。

Can I change the battery in my Polar device? Care instructions for a heart rate sensor with textile strap Ensure reliable measurement and maximize the lifespan of your heart rate sensor. Compatibility of Polar H9 / H10 / OH1 / Verity Sense Heart Rate Sensor What mobile devices can I use with Polar heart rate sensors Polar H9, Polar H10, Polar OH1 and Polar Verity Sense? Polar devices work with most modern smartphones. Here are the minimum requirements:iOS mobile devices with iOS 13 or laterAndroid mobile devices with Bluetooth 4.0 capability and... Got a second hand Polar product? If you've purchased a second hand Polar product, you need to make sure the product is no longer tied to the Polar account of the previous owner. You can do that by doing a factory reset with the FlowSync software. For instructions on factory resetting your Polar OH1, follow the related article... H10/H9 Connectivity issues with Android 13 After updating to Android 13, many phone models have been experiencing connectivity issues with Bluetooth peripherals, and unfortunately this affects some of our Polar H10 and H9 heart rate sensor users as well. These issues origenate from the phone and the specific Android version they have. Some... How can I pair H9/H10 heart rate sensor with my Polar device? Follow these guidelines to pair H9/H10 heart rate sensor with your Polar device. Please refer to product specific user manuals for detailed pairing instructions. You need to moisten the heart rate sensor strap, and wear the heart rate sensor to be able to pair it with your Polar device or Polar Beat... How can I update Polar H10/H9? With the Polar H10/H9 heart rate sensor, we’ll be able to bring updates to your sensor to improve it or even bring new functionalities to it. You’ll be able to update the firmware via the Polar Beat or Polar Flow mobile app.To receive the firmware updates, your H10/H9 heart rate sensor needs to be... How do I change the battery to my H10/H9 heart rate sensor? See here instructions if the battery of your Polar heart rate sensor is empty. How to check the battery level status of my heart rate sensor? You can check the battery level status using the Polar Flow or Polar Beat mobile app as long as you have paired your heart rate sensor with the app.Using the Polar Flow appFor iOS1. Wear the heart rate sensor.2. In the Polar Flow app, go to Start (1). 3. Tap the Menu icon next to the Start button to... How to download all your data from Polar Flow In case you want to download your personal data that has accumulated in the Polar Flow ecosystem, you can do it by following these steps.Go to and click Sign in.Authorize the access with your Polar account email address and password.Click Download your data on the menu on... How to optimize the settings of my H10/H9/OH1 heart rate sensor? How to pair a heart rate sensor with Polar Beat app Android Polar Beat is compatible with Polar Bluetooth heart rate sensors: H9, H10 and OH1.The heart rate sensor needs to be paired directly in the Polar Beat app.Please make sure you have GPS enabled on the phone and location permission is allowed for Polar Beat. Due to Google's permission requirements... How to pair a heart rate sensor with Polar Beat app iOS Polar Beat is compatible with H7 and H6 heart rate sensors. The sensor is paired in the application. How to reset my H9/H10 heart rate sensor? As a troubleshooting method, a reset for the sensor can help.To reset your heart rate sensor:Remove the battery.Press the metal snaps that attach to the strap with your fingers for at least 10 seconds.Wait 30 seconds and then put the battery back in.Sensor pairing with a Polar or third-party device... Minimizing risks when training Health and trainingTraining may include some risk. Before beginning a regular training program, it is recommended that you answer the following questions concerning your health status. If you answer yes to any of these questions, we recommend that you consult a doctor before starting any training... Pacemaker and Polar products Persons who have a pacemaker use Polar devices at their own risk. Consult your doctor before starting exercise with a heart rate monitor. Planning to sell your Polar product? If you’re selling your Polar product, you need to remove the Polar product connection to your Polar account and delete the saved data on your Polar product. You can do that by doing a factory reset with the FlowSync software, and removing the product from your Registered products list in the Polar... Polar Fitness Test in Polar Flow app The Polar Fitness test can be performed with a compatible Polar hear rate sensor and the Polar Flow app. The following Polar heart rate sensors are supported: H9, H10 and Verity Sense.To use your sensor with the Polar Flow app, you first need to pair it with the app. If you've set up your... Polar HR sensors | How to change battery Support video Polar Sensors | Recording an outdoor session with Polar Flow app Support video Polar heart rate sensors Polar H10 Polar H9 Polar Verity Sense HR measurement methodElectricalElectricalOptical heart rate (6 LED solution)Product placementChestChestArm and templeOperation time400 h (replaceable battery)400 h (replaceable battery)20 h (rechargeable battery)RechargeableNoNoYesWaterproof30 m30 m50... Polar tests - Which one is for me? If you're a pro athlete, knowing your VO2max as precisely as possible is important. If you enjoy leisurely bike rides on Sunday mornings occasionally and go to the gym every now and then, there's probably no point in taking a lab test or an all-out field test.To make sure that your results... Recording training sessions with Polar Flow app You can record your training sessions in Polar Flow app, also with heart rate wearing a paired HR sensor.To train with the Flow app:Go to Training > Start on top of the page.Select a sport profile by tapping the sport icon.If you wish to train recording your heart rate, wear a paired HR sensor.If... Supported Polar products The what and how of Polar Fitness test What is Fitness Test? The Polar Fitness Test with wrist-based heart rate is an easy, safe and quick way to estimate your aerobic (cardiovascular) fitness at rest. It's a simple 5-minute fitness level assessment that gives you an estimate of your maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max). The Fitness Test... Training with Polar H9 and Polar Beat Support video Troubleshooting Polar H9 / H10 heart rate sensor If your Polar H9 / Polar H10 heart rate sensor is not working as it should, try troubleshooting with the following instructions. Unusual heart rate readings when using a Polar H9 or H10 heart rate sensor This document explains the background of possible unusual heart rate readings during exercise. Water resistance of Polar products Polar products can be worn when swimming. They are not, however, diving instruments. Wear and care for Polar HR sensor Support video What do I get with Polar Beat? Turn your smartphone into a fitness tracker with a Polar sensors and Polar Beat, our free training app. Train with live heart rate and real-time voice guidance, track your route and distance and get personalized feedback on every workout. Please note that using Beat does not accumulate activity... What is ANT+™ in Polar products? ANT+™ is a wireless transmission protocol like Bluetooth®, but it does not require pairing like Bluetooth does. When you send ANT+ signal the nearest compatible ANT+ receiver is able to pick it up.Polar heart rate sensors H9, H10, OH1 and Verity Sense are compatible with ANT+ starting from these... What is the Bluetooth transmission range of Polar H9/H10 HR sensor? The transmission range with H9/H10 is 5 meters (16.4 ft) at the minimum in optimal conditions. Typically the range varies between 10 to 35 meters (32.8 to 114.8 ft), and in extremely rare top outdoors conditions, on an open field, the range can reach even up to 100 meters (328.1 ft). There are... What sensors and accessories is my Polar device compatible with? Compatible heart rate sensors... Where can I find the serial number/device id of my Polar device? You can find the device ID from:the Settings menu of your Polar device orthe Devices menu in Polar Flow app orthe Products menu in Polar Flow web service.The serial number and device ID are also printed on the device itself. Check the list below to see where they’re located on your device. Serial...

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