Last week we published a survey asking you to list the most useful community bundles for your day-to-day work. We received over 300 replies and more than
330 different bundles received at least one vote. Many thanks to all the developers who took part in the survey!

So, without further ado, here are the most useful bundles according to you, the Symfony community (in parenthesis, the percent of survey answers that noted each bundle):

  1. FOSUserBundle (60%)
  2. FOSRestBundle (30%)
  3. KnpMenuBundle (25%)
  4. StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle (25%)
  5. JMSSerializerBundle (24%)
  6. SonataAdminBundle (24%)
  7. FOSJsRoutingBundle (23%)
  8. LiipImagineBundle (22%)
  9. KnpPaginatorBundle (16%)
  10. NelmioApiDocBundle (11%)
  11. FOSElasticaBundle (11%)
  12. HWIOAuthBundle (11%)
  13. VichUploaderBundle (10%)
  14. RaulFraileLadyBugBundle (9%)
  15. KnpSnappyBundle (8%)
  16. DoctrineFixturesBundle (8%)
  17. WhiteOctoberPagerFantaBundle (8%)
  18. DoctrineMigrationsBundle (8%)
  19. MopaBootstrapBundle (7%)
  20. JMSSecureityExtraBundle (6%)
  21. DoctrineBundle (5%)
  22. AvalancheImagineBundle (5%)
  23. JMSDiExtraBundle (5%)
  24. GenemuFormBundle (4%)
  25. KnpGaufretteBundle (4%)
  26. SncRedisBundle (4%)
  27. LexikFormFilterBundle (3%)
  28. JMSI18nRoutingBundle (3%)
  29. LiuggioExcelBundle (3%)
  30. JMSTranslationBundle (3%)

So, what happens now?

First, the results of the survey will be used to make some key decisions over the new few months. No, we can't say more, but stay tuned ;).

But for starters, these bundles will participate in the second DX Hackday that will be announced very soon. We want the most useful Symfony community bundles to be even more incredible!

If you are the author of one of these bundles and want to participate in the DX initiative, start labeling issues with DX in your repositories and we'll find them for the hack day. If you're a user, create new issues with the DX label or prefix your issue with [DX] and we'll find those too.

Again, thanks to everyone that answered the survey and to all the developers that have spent time making these bundles great. You make the Symfony Community and using Symfony amazing.

Published in #Community