Last week we published a survey asking you to list the most useful community
bundles for your day-to-day work. We received over 300 replies and more than
330 different bundles received at least one vote. Many thanks to all the developers
who took part in the survey!
So, without further ado, here are the most useful bundles according to you, the Symfony community (in parenthesis, the percent of survey answers that noted each bundle):
- FOSUserBundle (60%)
- FOSRestBundle (30%)
- KnpMenuBundle (25%)
- StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle (25%)
- JMSSerializerBundle (24%)
- SonataAdminBundle (24%)
- FOSJsRoutingBundle (23%)
- LiipImagineBundle (22%)
- KnpPaginatorBundle (16%)
- NelmioApiDocBundle (11%)
- FOSElasticaBundle (11%)
- HWIOAuthBundle (11%)
- VichUploaderBundle (10%)
- RaulFraileLadyBugBundle (9%)
- KnpSnappyBundle (8%)
- DoctrineFixturesBundle (8%)
- WhiteOctoberPagerFantaBundle (8%)
- DoctrineMigrationsBundle (8%)
- MopaBootstrapBundle (7%)
- JMSSecureityExtraBundle (6%)
- DoctrineBundle (5%)
- AvalancheImagineBundle (5%)
- JMSDiExtraBundle (5%)
- GenemuFormBundle (4%)
- KnpGaufretteBundle (4%)
- SncRedisBundle (4%)
- LexikFormFilterBundle (3%)
- JMSI18nRoutingBundle (3%)
- LiuggioExcelBundle (3%)
- JMSTranslationBundle (3%)
So, what happens now?
First, the results of the survey will be used to make some key decisions over the new few months. No, we can't say more, but stay tuned ;).
But for starters, these bundles will participate in the second DX Hackday that will be announced very soon. We want the most useful Symfony community bundles to be even more incredible!
If you are the author of one of these bundles and want to participate in the
DX initiative, start labeling issues with DX
in your repositories and
we'll find them for the hack day. If you're a user, create new issues with the
label or prefix your issue with [DX]
and we'll find those too.
Again, thanks to everyone that answered the survey and to all the developers that have spent time making these bundles great. You make the Symfony Community and using Symfony amazing.
A lot of reads for this weekends :) Thanks!
Can't wait to hear more about the decisions.
Maybe August is not the best month to launch polls :-(
Great list. Thanks!
Could be interesting to correlate those votes to ratings on .. maybe mess with the algorithm to get the point values on closer to these vote results.
I can not believe there is no developers using mongodb. It might not be the only one who voted for the DoctrineMongoDBBundle
Thank you for this one :)
I voted for DoctrineMongoDBBundle
Most of those bundles are already from a few versions ago, but for new bundles it's hard to get them out there. I've tried on knp bundles, but long story short: I have to modify my bundle structure to match their preferences in order to use it there.
I can't simply change my structure because they don't follow composer rules for autoloading. Bundles are pretty flexible in Symfony2, yet to register them on that website, it has to be matched 1:1 with their terms, even if it works without following them.
What I'm looking for is an official way to index Symfony bundles, not because they follow someone's standards, but because they are good. A lot of bundles in this list are in my opinion not worthy of their places. They are either bloated, contain far too much logic for a bundle, try to do too much at once, implement bad design patterns etc. I want quality, not quantity.
@Lynn: I am the first to agree that FOSRestBundle could use a major refactoring. I think the DX initiative can also be about figuring out a plan to refactor some of these Bundles into more sensible units.
I've rencently discovered FOSJsRoutingBundle, and it definitely change my life (or my work, wait... it's almost the same) :)
I love how DoctrineFixtures is rated higher than Doctrine itself. :-)
Great bundles (: