
53 Pins
10 Ways to Use Strawberry Tops + Greens
Never waste a strawberry top again! Strawberry tops are good for so many things like teas, powders, and more! And there's not point in getting rid of the greens - they're great, too!
How To Can Orange Juice
This may be the only place where you will find a recipe for canning fresh orange juice. And there's a good reason why... #canning #oranges #orangejuice
Peach BBQ Sauce Canning Recipe
This Peach BBQ Sauce canning recipe is fantastic brushed on chicken, pork, or grilled vegetables at your next barbecue. You can also add it to cold pasta dishes or serve with sandwiches. Peaches make an ideal base for this sweet and zesty homemade condiment | Recipe on | #canning #foodpreservation #preserving #homecanning #canningrecipes #recipe #canningcrafts #masonjarlabels #canninglabels #masonjargifts #BBQ #barbecue #barbecuesauce #barbeque #barbequerecipe #peachrecipe
How to Can Apple Cider at Home
How to can apple cider ~ Canning apple juice for long term storage #applecider #canning #foodpreservation #foodstorage #homesteading #preparedness