The Last Lecture

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I have tried so hard with several people this year just to have it thrown back in my face. Fed up with highschool-esque bullshit
Be good to women, always be true to a woman, open your ears and listen to the women in your life, have an opinion on what we're saying and last but not least, love us for who we are. So many lectures, so many rules. Yet nothing... not a word on how to live on without the most important one.
▪Be part of the ‘Construction Team’ rather than the ‘Wrecking Crew!’ ▪“Find the best in everybody. Wait long enough, and people will surprise and impress you.” –Randy Pausch (from his book ‘The Last Lecture’)
the last lecture you can be better the moment you decide to be.
“Complaining does not work as a strategy. We all have finite time and energy. Any time we spend whining is unlikely to help us achieve our goals. And it won't make us happier. … Don’t complain; just work harder.” –Randy Pausch (from his book ‘The Last Lecture’)
In every case of very pronounced introversion, the three groups of phenomena, which I mentioned in the last lecture, occur: first, experience of the relative character of space and time; secondly, the autonomy of certain psychic contents and thirdly, the experience of symbols belonging to a centre which does not coincide with the centre of consciousness and which is equivalent to an experience of God. ~Carl Jung, Lecture X, 12Jan1934, Page 43.