II Paper Folding Art
82 Pins
Basteln für Weihnachten: Origami Stern
Mit diesen einfachen Origami Anleitungen zauberst Du im Handumdrehen weihnachtliche Falt-Kunstwerke. Denn aus einem einfachen Quadrat lassen sich Sterne, Bäume, Herzen und Schachteln zaubern. Als Fensterschmuck, auf Weihnachtskarten, weihnachtliche Tischdeko oder als Anhänger am Weihnachtsbaum, die kleinen weihnachtlichen Origami Ideen sind eine prima Idee fürs Weihnachtsbasteln mit Kindern. #Kinderbegeistern
Creative 3D Scene with Fox Papercraft
If you'd like to try your hand at 3D crafts, here is a pretty 3D Scene with Fox Papercraft for kids to try! The lush green is perfect for spring! We love creating forest crafts here - there's so much opportunity with green foliage, and you can add in as many animals as you like! That's why we had a lot of fun creating a full-fledged jungle diorama, featuring lots of animals in their natural habitat. However, sometimes you want to create something simple, without overcrowding the scene. And...
5-minute crafts with paper easy origami paper craft ideas origami paper craft step by step easy orig
#paper #fiestasinfantiles #detallesexclusivos #hechoamano #papeleriacreativa #babyshower5-minute crafts with paper easy origami paper craft ideas origami paper craft step by step easy origami crafts for adults