Stay-at-Home Mom Life Hacks To Simplify Your Life
Are you overwhelmed by all the demands of being a stay-at-home mom? Fear not! I have put together 21 lists of stay-at-home mom hacks to help make your life easier. In this pin, you will find life hacks for self-care, saving money, and making extra cash. I also share stay-at-home mom hacks on how to simplify cooking, cleaning and childcare. Click to check out the list now!
29 fun hobbies for SAHMs
Are you a stay-at-home mom that needs a hobby? If so, then I've got a list of 29 fun hobbies you could be doing today. The best part is, almost all the hobbies listed have the potential to be turned into a side hustle. What are you waiting for? Come check out the list.
Stay-at-Home Mom Schedule For Newborns, Infant & Toddlers
Do you need a good easy to follow schedule that helps you care for your kids? The template I provide is simple to use. You get a stay at home mom schedule for your newborn and infant, modeled after my own life as a SAHM. Click to read how I plan my day around chores so that I can still have time for my child and myself.
12 Side Jobs For SAHMs
Are you a mom who needs a little extra cash? Having the ability to work from home gives you a lot of time with your kids. In this post, I outline 12 awesome ways to make money at home. These side jobs range from easy to hard. I provide links directly to the companies to help you get those jobs. So what are you waiting for? Click here to start making some cash today!
Thought Inspiring
You see God as your Father, your Teacher, or your Friend? I see him as my Friend... not just any friend, but my Best Friend. Even closer to me than my shadow. He's there for me the minute I have a fleeting thought of him. He's always there. Listening to every thought I have. Answering every question I have. Sometimes I hear him in the silence and.... #friends #friend #bestfriend #teacher #guide #parent #father #God #Source #higherself #higherconsciousness #universe #intuitive #intuition