Manifesting 123 Stories from readers

Here are Manifesting stories from the readers of "Manifesting 123 and you don't need #3" This little big book contains new information about how your thoughts form up and become your reality. No special skills or abilities are required. Understand how your thoughts create and change your reality! Also, profound, new insights on how to off load your fears and put them to work for you!
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Manifesting 123 Story: Our Intentions Can Make a Difference
Leslie writes: I recently received a startling text from the husband of a dear friend, S., that I met while traveling about a year ago. She doesn’t live nearby but we have stayed close and I was shocked to hear that she had a stroke...
Manifesting 123 Story: For Your Happy New Year (reprise)
Each of us has lived through 8,765 hours and if we averaged 7 hours of sleep each night, then we were awake 6,205 of those hours last year. A lot can be made of that fact, but it certainly spells opportunity...
Manifesting 123 Story: A Terrible Illness, Information is Lacking and Our Only Option is Prayer
M. writes: My husband got seriously sick and ended up in the hospital. I had found him on the ground beside his truck and he couldn’t get up. He had his phone in the truck but he was too weak to reach it, and he had been laying there for a good two hours....
Manifesting 123 Story: Happy Thanksgiving! Living in Gratefulness and Gratitude as a Tool
For the season… for everyday. What is the feeling you get when someone thanks you? I remember being thanked so deeply that my sincerest, “You’re welcome,” did not equal what I was given. I felt that heartfelt thanks, their words of gratitude...
Manifesting 123 Story: It Was Very Important For Me To Manifest a Good Result
M writes: So it was about a year ago, I was 56 and I went in to get my eyes checked. After my checkup the eye doctor basically told me I was starting to get cataracts and that I may need surgery. It kind of floored me at first, because of my negative history with anesthesia and like everyone, I just didn’t want to go under the knife again if I could avoid it....
Manifesting123 Story: Manifesting the Really Big Deals – Multiple Choices (reprise story)
Last week a good friend called, wanting to come by and talk a bit. We met about five years ago and immediately hit it off. He wanted to talk about what has been happening with him lately and dropped a hint that manifesting would be involved.He brought over a nice bottle of wine and we settled in. When we first met years ago, I discussed manifesting but not in a form as concise as Manifesting 123...
Manifesting 123 Story: Think We Could Manifest THAT?
Leslie writes: On vacation in Switzerland, Ron and I took the train from Bern to Zermatt. When we walked to the hotel, it was a cold rain cold rain but Inside was a warm, sweet little lobby with sheepskin blankets on chairs and a comfy room with bookshelves. We waited for the people from Arkansas and another couple from Ireland to check in a...
Manifesting 123: Positive Outcomes from Forgiving and Receiving
An artist, Charles writes: I really like how this turned out. It came from two separate things I did but the result was essentially the same. Each event was about money, it’s real value and forgiveness. The first instance was a painting I sold years ago and allowed my friend to pay it out on time. Paying it back wasn’t easy for her to do and after many years of her chipping away at it, there was a $300 balance...
Manifesting 123: Need Something Done? Manifest with Big Bird!
From Dr Tamurah’s newsletter relaying a clients story, with their permissions: As a professional addictions counselor, Linda interacts with many, many people, often in seemingly hopeless situations. She recalls one client who had really turned his life around and was ready to start a new job. He had a car and the job, but he had no driver’s license. The frustrating part was that he could get the driver’s license if he only had $125!
Manifesting 123 Story: I Got a Glimpse That Manifesting Works, Then I Nailed It! (reprise)
Alicia writes: Shortly after my husband died, I took out a personal loan with my bank to pay for some badly needed repairs on the house. The amount of the loan was $15,000...
It Bears Repeating… Add the NOW to Your Manifesting Practice
Earlier in May of this year, I went over how some of my fellow artists were discussing manifesting and how we could use the idea of the Now to eliminate the annoying gaps that are common between art sales...
Manifesting 123 Story: So Much Has Changed! (reprise story)
Jane writes: It is AMAZING how this works. I’m on Day 7, and I cannot believe how many things have just manifested. The important part is the “AND I AM SO GRATEFUL!” It all began when I was finally got the book, then I began to formulate my “movies”...
Manifesting and the Equivalents
First, let me begin with two points, simply stated. First, our coordinated thoughts with two people or larger have great power. Never underestimate what two or more people can create together. Peace in the family? World peace anyone? Also, we have another power and it is one that has the ability to improve how we feel in the worst of situations. It is gratitude. There... Read More
Manifesting123 Story: Favorite Manifesting Stories from the Last Six Months
M. writes: Sometime back, my sister, K. was working at a compounding pharmacy in Texas but it didn’t work out. I talked with her and asked, “Why don’t you look for a good paying, full time job doing something you would like to do?” That’s when I talked to her about manifesting. I was manifesting for her daily. She has a tendency to be negative so I jumped in and said, “Look, when you speak it, you’re bringing it to you..... #lawofattraction #lawofattractioncoach #lawofattractiontips #lawofassumption #LOA #manifesting #manifestingmagic #manifestingdreams #manifestingabundance #abundance #happiness #happinessjourney #selfhelp #thoughtsarethings #thoughtsarepowerful #thoughtsbecomethings #thoughtsareenergy #everythingisenergy
Getting a Hunch May be an Opportunity to Ask. Why Not?
L. F. writes: My son was going to a on a weekend bachelor / bachelorette party, weekend fest and there would be fun with drinking and swimming. He is not a strong swimmer and I was worried about him. I sent him a text saying that if at any point you want to come home, I’ll get you because he’s without a car. He texted me back saying that he felt like there was something behind my text. “What are you not telling me?” he asked... To read the full story click the image!