Good Practices on National Official Statistics
A key responsibility of the United
Nations Statistics Division is
to assist countries in the development of their national statistical
system. We actively promote the Fundamental Principles of Official
Statistics which were adopted by the Statistical Commission
in 1994. We provide direct assistance in the implementation of
the Fundamental Principles and compile best practices. We facilitate
the sharing of knowledge and practices in all aspects of the
development of national statistical systems.
Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics
The United Nations Statistical Commission, in its Special Session of 11-15 April 1994, adopted the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics, earlier set out in the Economic Commission for Europe's Decision C (47), but incorporating a revised preamble. At its forty-second session in 2011 the Statistical Commission acknowledged that the Principles were still as relevant today as they had been in the past and that no revision of the 10 principles themselves was currently necessary but recommended the development of a updated preamble. At its forty-fourth session in 2013, the Statistical Commission adopted such a revised preamble,
which takes into account new developments since the time when the Principles were first formulated.
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Global Review of the Implementation of the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics
So far, the United Nations Statistics Division has undertaken two global reviews of the implementation of the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics mandated by the United Nations Statistical Commission.
The results of the first global review were presented to the Commission in 2004; the results of the second review carried out in 2012 were considered by the Commission during its 44th session in 2013.
Good Practices Database
The Good Practices Database, established in 2000, provides reference material from countries on the 10 Fundamental Principles
of Official Statistics, in particular examples of policies and practices in various national statistical systems for
implementing the Principles.
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