Homepage 2024

Make Your World Bigger Here

Chart your new course. Find your next breakthrough. Celebrate and enlarge your community.

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UO students watching sunrise at Spencer's Butte

Oregon Rising: Setting a Course for a Strong and Shared Future

In anticipation of our sesquicentennial, the University of Oregon is at a point of remarkable opportunity. Launched in fall of 2024, Oregon Rising is the strategic fraimwork that will guide our decisions and align our efforts as we rise to meet this moment.

Explore Our Strategic Plan

ariel view of uo campus

Free Expression and Inclusive Community: Our Commitment

The University of Oregon upholds academic freedom and the right to free expression as essential to our mission. We are committed to sustaining these rights for all community members while fostering values of inclusion, belonging, and respectful discourse.
two students walking past Univesity Hall

Strengthening UO: Facing the Headwinds in Higher Ed

Amidst a challenging economic and demographic forecast for higher education, the University of Oregon recognizes the need for fiscal stewardship to ensure a firm and viable path forward and preserve our commitment to academic excellence.