Ky data graphics Forecasts foliar anthracnose on Poa annua
Forecasts Foliar Anthracnose on Poa Annua
Forecasts foliar anthracnose on Poa annua; it has not been evaluated for forecasting accuracy on creeping bentgrass,
the other host commonly affected in Kentucky. No information is available on the models forecasting accuracy for the crown-rot
phase of the disease, which is more destructive than the foliar-blight phase. A weakness of this model is that is incorporates
data on duration of leaf wetness. Such data are unavailable and are often not possible to obtain accurately in turf ecosystems.
We therefore are estimating leaf wetness duration from data on relative humidity, which introduces a potential source of forecasting
error. This model can be used to accumulate points up to a predetermined threshold based on local conditions.
More for Foliar anthracnose,Forecast model
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These data are based on the 24 hour period 7PM to 7PM.
Ag Weather Center, Department of Biosystems & Agricultural Engineering, University of Kentucky