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Have questions about the Bay City/Bay County water emergency? The county has developed this FAQ sheet. http://www.baycounty-mi.gov/Docs/AdminServices/FAQsupdated.pdf …
A Bay County website has been established for information about the water main break and emergency http://bit.ly/1vxzqk7
Social media sites for the Bay County/Bay City water emergency: https://www.facebook.com/baycounty https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bay-City-Public-Safety-Department/213064118722212 …
The Bay County/Bay City water emergency is at the local level. We have our 3rd district coordinator engaged in the situation. #baycity
Live in Bay City or Bay County? Here's a one-stop shop for information about the water situation. http://www.baycounty-mi.gov/ESHS/Water-Main-Break-Information.aspx … #baycity
Are you ready for the 2014 Prepare Fair? It's happening in less than a month in downtown Detroit. Save the date. http://www.michigan.gov/msp/0,4643,7-123-60152-334416--,00.html …
Power outages. Extreme heat. Hazardous materials. Thunderstorms. Tornadoes. We have tips for all hazards.Go to http://www.mi.gov/beprepared .
Do you want to #volunteer during emergencies? Join the MI Volunteer Registry! http://mivolunteerregistry.org
So are you prepared? Do you have a kit with enough supplies to last 72 hours? Food? Water? Go to http://mi.gov/beprepared . #ToledoWaterWarning
Are you a nonprofit org that serves #Detroit during disasters? We want you to be a part of our #2014PrepareFair https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1xLdH0uTGPKgbXXGalaEJRpsbeP6xZ3MxCqXpdqkTr88/viewform …
The 2014 Prepare Fair is only a month away! Mark your calendars! https://www.facebook.com/events/313897072103905/ … #2014PrepareFair #Detroit pic.twitter.com/8pY9dM7DcA
Although the water ban has been lifted, we're still going to be engaged with @monroeEMD to assist as needed.
How to get your water back to normal http://bit.ly/XxK5vX
Flushing guidelines: http://lucascountyhealth.com/ #watercrisis #toledowaterwarning #toledowater #fullglasscity
Asking that you refrain from using any water that is non-essential (unless you are flushing unused household water lines) #watercrisis
Flushing guidelines will be coming soon! Thank you for your patience #watercrisis
Seasoned corporate comm and PR professional, wife, mommy of 2, CMU alum, PRSA member, bargain hunter, I #leanin and #lovelansing.
Working with Erie Fire Dept to ensure vunerable population has the water they need. pic.twitter.com/kCAzQ8WJZb
We encourage homebound residents who are in the cities under the current water ban to call 734-243-8600 to seek assistance in getting water!
Homebound residents in affected areas of Michigan- please call (734)234-8600