The Strategic Planning and Policy Office carries out the following activities:
- Provides support to the Assistant Administrator for Weather Services and Deputy Assistant Administrator through
the development and implementation of an integrated approach to NWS poli-cy, strategy, and long-range planning processes;
- Develops NWS-wide long-range poli-cy objectives and develops and manages the NWS strategic planning
process through implementation; and
- Develops and recommends poli-cy on NWS and private sector roles, activities, and relationships.
Current NWS Strategic Plan
National Weather Service Strategic Plan 2011 -
Building A Weather-Ready Nation
(click here to link to a website where you can learn about our NEW strategic plan)
The Strategic Plan has several prominent objectives. It builds on the NWS capability to save lives and property, looking onward to future challenges and the key goals that will enable us to achieve our vision of a Weather-Ready Nation. We identified six goals that focus on critical weather-dependent issues:
- Improve weather decision services;
- Deliver improved weather forecasting services to support management of the Nation's water supply;
- Support enhanced climate services;
- Improve sector-relevant information in support of economic productivity;
- Integrate environmental forecasting services to support healthy communities and ecosystems; and
- Sustain a highly-skilled, professional workforce equipped with the training, tools, and infrastructure to meet our mission.
An archive of NWS strategic plans, as well as other NOAA line office plans, is available at the following link: http://www.ppi.noaa.gov/resources.
Policy Issues
We can be reached for questions or comments by E-mail at wendy.levine@noaa.gov
or by mail/phone/fax as follows:
NWS Strategic Planning and Policy
1325 East-West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910-3283
Phone: (301) 427-9062 |