Seeking Disaster Assistance
Throughout the recovery period, it is important to monitor local radio or television reports and other media sources for information about where to get emergency housing, food, first aid, clothing, and financial assistance.
Direct Assistance
Direct assistance to individuals and families may come from any number of organizations, including:
- American Red Cross
- Salvation Army
- Local volunteer organizations
These organizations provide food, shelter, supplies and assist in clean-up efforts.
The Federal Role
In the most severe disasters, the federal government is also called in to help individuals and families with temporary housing, counseling (for post-disaster trauma), low-interest loans and grants, and other assistance. The federal government also has programs that help small businesses and farmers.
Most federal assistance becomes available when the President of the United States declares a “Major Disaster” for the affected area at the request of a state governor. FEMA will provide information through the media and community outreach about federal assistance and how to apply.
Grants and Assistance Programs for Individuals
Catalog of Federal Disaster Assistance (CFDA) numbers are provided to help you find additional information on the CFDA website.
- Disaster Assistance
(CFDA Numbers: 97.048, 97.049, 97.050)
Provides money or direct assistance to individuals, families and businesses in an area whose property has been damaged or destroyed and whose losses are not covered by insurance. - Crisis Counseling
(CFDA Number: 97.032)
Provides supplemental funding to States for short-term crisis counseling services to people affected in Presidentially declared disasters. - Disaster Legal Services
(CFDA Number: 97.033)
Provides free legal assistance to disaster victims. - Disaster Unemployment Assistance Program
(CFDA Number: 97.034)
Provides unemployment benefits and re-employment services to individuals who have become unemployed because of major disasters. - National Flood Insurance Program
(CFDA Number: 97.022)
Enables property owners in participating communities to purchase insurance as a protection against flood losses in exchange for State and community floodplain management regulations that reduce future flood damages. - View all FEMA grants