NHC Content in Alternate Formats
In an effort to reach as large of an audience as possible, including mobile customers, the National Hurricane Center has developed a few alternate formats
of its website content. The following is a brief description of each format.
Mobile: Offering critical hurricane advisories and marine forecasts, the mobile format of NHC's
website is best suited for those users with SmartPhones, PDAs, or other cell phones capable of displaying basic HTML web pages.
These pages offer most of our basic text products and some of our graphics. The mobile pages are ideal for limited-bandwidth devices with
small screens. A selection of satellite imagery with zoom capability is even available. The mobile pages can be accessed at:
Text: This format is optimized for those users with computers on dial-up or other very slow
Internet connections. All areas of the NHC website are accessible, but most areas will have images disabled (with some exceptions). The
text version is available at: www.nhc.noaa.gov/?text
RSS: NHC's tropical cyclone advisories and all of its text products are available through RSS. Find out more at: www.nhc.noaa.gov/aboutrss.shtml
Email: NWS products via email through GovDelivery are no longer available. Please see the Service Change Notice for details.
Please send email to NHCwebmaster@noaa.gov
if you wish to send comments or suggestions about alternative services.
Other NWS Alternate Content
weather.gov for smartphone: mobile.weather.gov
weather.gov in simple HTML: cell.weather.gov (lower-bandwidth/non-smartphone)
weather.gov RSS library: weather.gov/rss