Storms and hurricanes, oil spills, floods, wildfires, tornadoes and earthquakes are some of the conditions that can cause emergencies or disasters for the people of the Southeast.
Seminole tribal members believe that if the land dies, so will the tribe. Many tribes in the Southeast have that same connection to the land, water and environment. Knowing how unpredictable nature can be, it is important to be aware of the hazards most common in this area.
- Familiarize yourself with the terms that are used to identify a hurricane
- The recent oil spill in the gulf shows that some disasters and their aftermath can have lasting effects on lifestyle and livelihood
Remember to make a plan, build a kit, and be informed
FEMA Offers Regional Resources
FEMA offers the following resources to help local communities to plan and prepare. All files can be freely downloaded, printed, emailed, or broadcasted.
Please Visit the FEMA Library to Download the Individuals/Families/Tribal Leaders Documents:
Tribal Leaders Brochure (PDF)
Southeast Individual/Family Brochure (PDF)
Southeast Poster (PDF)
Community Awareness Campaigns Local radio stations may be willing to broadcast this public service announcement (PSA) as a community service at no charge.
15 Second Radio PSA (MP3)
30 Second Radio PSA (MP3)
60 Second Radio PSA (MP3)
Visit the Ready Publications section for additional resources for families, children, elders, pet owners, individuals with access and functional needs and businesses.
Regional Contacts
Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee and South Carolina - FEMA Region IV OfficeFederal Emergency Management Agency
3003 Chamblee Tucker Road
Atlanta, GA 30341
(770) 220-5200
fax: (770) 220-5230