NHC Forecast Model Information
The National Hurricane Center does not generate a graphic of the guidance models it uses to produce its
forecasts. Such graphics have the potential to confuse users and to undermine the effectiveness of NHC
official tropical cyclone forecasts and warnings. NHC's Tropical Cyclone Discussion
product, issued with each advisory package, contains a description of the reasoning behind the official
forecast, including discussion of the specific models considered in the preparation of the official forecast.
For more information on the models, we have prepared a summary document.
Technical Model Summary (updated 24 July 2009)
The National Weather Service produces some of the models used by the National Huricane Center. These models are run by NOAA/NWS National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Central Operations (NCO). Output images from the NOAA/NWS models can be found through NCEP's Model Analyses and Guidance (MAG) interface. Raw data from the models can be found through the NOAA Operational Model Archive and Distribution System (NOMADS).
Other model background information
Read about the Inland Wind Model and the Maximum Envelope Of Winds
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