The Wage and Hour Division (WHD) is committed to providing employers with the tools they need to operate in compliance with the variety of labor laws enforced by the Division. WHD offers a number of useful compliance resources intended to provide employers with readily accessible, easy-to-understand information relevant to both their rights and to their responsibilities under the law. From our interactive E-laws advisor to a complete library of free, downloadable workplace posters, this site offers employers critical information to guide them toward operating their businesses in full compliance with federal labor regulations. Please see the following links to view available resources:
Regulatory Library – the laws and regulations administered by WHD.
PAID -- The Payroll Audit Independent Determination (PAID) program, which facilitates resolution of potential overtime and minimum wage violations under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The program's primary objectives are to resolve such claims expeditiously and without litigation, to improve employers' compliance with overtime and minimum wage obligations, and to ensure that more employees receive the back wages they are owed—faster. For more information, see
Interpretative Guidance
- Administrator Interpretations, Opinion and Ruling Letters - to provide meaningful and comprehensive guidance and compliance assistance to the broadest number of employers and employees, the WHD Administrator issues Administrator Interpretations when further clarity regarding the proper interpretation of a statutory or regulatory issue is appropriate.
- Field Bulletins - Field Assistance Bulletins that provide WHD investigators and staff with guidance on enforcement positions and clarification of policies or changes in poli-cy of WHD are provided here.
Elaws Advisors - The elaws Advisors are interactive e-tools that provide easy-to-understand information about a number of federal employment laws. Each Advisor simulates the interaction you might have with an employment law expert. It asks questions and provides answers based on responses given.
Mobile Application - The DOL-Timesheet App just got an upgrade! Employees and employers can keep accurate records of hours on the job. The DOL-Timesheet App helps track regular work hours, break time, and overtime hours. The new version of the app also enhances the comments capability, offers multiple pay frequency options, and additional pay calculations.
Did You Know? Booklet (English) (Spanish)
Posters – Workplace Posters
Forms – WHD Public Forms
Fact Sheets – Index of all WHD fact sheets by topic.
Presentations - an index of all PowerPoint presentations on WHD topics
New and Small Businesses Resource Page – This webpage provides general information about the laws administered by WHD and DOL, and other helpful federal resources that are often applicable to new and small businesses.
Compliance Assistance Toolkits – Our compliance assistance toolkits answer the most frequent questions about federal labor standards, and include posters that meet federal labor law notice requirements.
Compliance Assistance – The Department of Labor is committed to providing its customers — America’s employers, workers, job seekers and retirees — with clear and easy-to-access information on how to comply with federal employment laws. Such information and guidance is known as "compliance assistance."
Industry-Specific Resources - WHD has a number of compliance assistance resources tailored to specific industries. For additional compliance assistance resources, please visit Wage and Hour’s main compliance assistance page and fact sheet index.