Current Role(s):
Software Engineer
Professional Info
Companies Worked For
Personal Info
Languages spoken:
On for 10 years 4 months
Over 10 edits to documentation
Areas of Expertise:
Drupal events:
DrupalCon London 2011
DrupalCon Denver 2012
DrupalCon Munich 2012
DrupalCon Prague 2013
DrupalCon Barcelona 2015
DrupalCon New Orleans 2016
DrupalCon Dublin 2016
DrupalCon Vienna 2017
- Omega (788 commits)
- GraphQL (441 commits)
- Translation Management Tool (291 commits)
- Rules (122 commits)
- flux Services Integration (69 commits)
- Delta (58 commits)
- Vote (48 commits)
- Omega Tools (37 commits)
- flux Twitter API (35 commits)
- TMGMT Translator Microsoft (35 commits)
- flux facebook Integration (31 commits)
- Sassy (27 commits)
- Menu Token (22 commits)
- flux LinkedIn API (21 commits)
- Babble (21 commits)
- flux XING API (21 commits)
- TMGMT Translator Gengo (19 commits)
- Routing (16 commits)
- Translation Management Server Sandbox (14 commits)
- Profile (13 commits)
- Profile 2 (13 commits)
- GraphQL Views (13 commits)
- TMGMT Translator Nativy (12 commits)
- TMGMT Translator Supertext (12 commits)
- GraphQL XML (11 commits)
- GraphQL JSON (11 commits)
- Drupal Translation Client (10 commits)
- GraphQL Twig (9 commits)
- GraphQL Mutation (9 commits)
- Paddle Selenium Tests (7 commits)
- Local Translator (6 commits)
- Sassy Substitutions (4 commits)
- Entity Construction Kit Panels Integration (4 commits)
- Relation Panels Integration (4 commits)
- Rules Trigger (3 commits)
- Views (for Drupal 7) (3 commits)
- flux feeds integration (3 commits)
- fluxkraft web automation distribution (3 commits)
- flux flickr API (3 commits)
- Entity API (3 commits)
- Magic (2 commits)
- Aurora (2 commits)
- GraphQL Metatag (2 commits)
- Honeypot Entityform (2 commits)
- Context omega (2 commits)
- Translation Management Server (1 commit)
- Chaos Tool Suite (ctools) (1 commit)
- fluxkraft (1 commit)
- Entity Schema (1 commit)
- Composer Manager (1 commit)
- Bean (1 commit)
- Edit (1 commit)
- Administration menu (1 commit)
- Panelizer (1 commit)
- Khan (1 commit)
- Quick Edit (1 commit)
- UUID Features Integration (1 commit)
- Ohm (1 commit)
- Semantic Panels (1 commit)
- Total: 2296 commits
My mentors:
12 people list fubhy as a mentor
I contributed Drupal patches
I contributed Drupal modules
I contributed Drupal themes
I contributed Drupal installation profiles
I contributed to Drupal issue queues
I contributed to
I contributed Drupal documentation
I contributed Automated tests
I reviewed Project applications
I help in the Drupal support forums
I provide Drupal-related services
I give support on IRC
I help mentor new contributors