When you've found a position, follow our step-by-step instructions for how to apply on USAJOBS.gov.
Please note: Reservists, student and recent graduate programs and FEMA Corps have different application processes. Please visit their pages, or the specific job announcement, to learn more.
Already applied? Here's what's next.
Get Started
Create a USAJOBS Account
Create a USAJOBS account. If you already have a USAJOBS account, sign into your account.
Find a Job Opening
View FEMA jobs on USAJOBS. You can search from the main USAJOBS page, or use Advanced Search to search by keyword, occupational series or job category, location, and/or agency.
See the USAJOBS Search Tutorials for details.
TIP: The USAJOBS Search feature defaults to show only vacancies open to the public. If you are want to see all vacancy announcements, select the “Jobs for Federal Employees” option on the “Refine Your Results” sidebar.
Complete An Online Application
You’ve found the job you want to apply for and now it is time to apply. The online application process consists of three parts, which are outlined below.
TIP: Print out the job announcement for reference as you complete the application.
Step 1: Click "Apply Online" and sign in to USAJOBS.GOV
- After finding the job you want to apply for, click "Apply Online" to sign into USAJOBS. (If you are new to USAJOBS, you will be prompted to create an account.)
- Follow the prompts to select a resume and/or other supporting documents to attach to your application.
- Click "Apply for this position now!" This will transfer you from USAJOBS to FEMAjobs to complete the application process.
Step 2: Complete personal information In FEMAjobs
If you’re new to FEMAjobs, you’ll be asked to create a FEMAjobs profile. If you’re already registered with FEMAjobs, a “Welcome Back” message will appear.
Click “Apply to this Vacancy” to begin the application process.
Step 3: Answer vacancy-specific questions
Click "Apply Online" and sign into USAJOBS.gov
- After finding the job you want to apply for, click "Apply Online" to sign into USAJOBS. (If you are new to USAJOBS, you will be prompted to create an account.)
- Follow the prompts to select a resume and/or other supporting documents to attach to your application.
- Click "Apply for this position now!" This will transfer you from USAJOBS to FEMAjobs to complete the application process.
Complete personal information In FEMAjobs
If you’re new to FEMAjobs, you’ll be asked to create a FEMAjobs profile. If you’re already registered with FEMAjobs, a “Welcome Back” message will appear.
Click “Apply to this Vacancy” to begin the application process.
Answer vacancy-specific questions
As part of the application, you’ll be asked a series of questions to assess your qualifications. Some of the questions may require a written response. If you are responding to essay-type questions, we highly recommend that you save your application and develop your written responses in a file on your computer. You can then return to your application before the deadline and copy-and-paste the prepared responses into each field.
Think of these questions as a written interview that gives you a chance to describe your education, experience, and training as they relate to the job.
Submit supporting documentation
On the "Vacancy Documents" page, you will be asked to submit supporting documentation. Review the “Required Documents” section of the announcement to determine which documents apply to you. You have three options for submitting your documents:
• Upload the documents directly from your computer
• Transfer from USAJOBS using the USAJOBS link
• Fax into FEMAjobs using the fax coversheets provided in the system
TIP: Read the fax instructions to make sure that your documents transmitted correctly. If you do not receive email confirmation of a faxed document within four hours, try faxing it again.
Supply demographic information
Be sure to respond to the question, “How did you learn about this position?”
The responses to the rest of the questions on this page are populated with the demographic information you entered in USAJOBS. If you indicated in USAJOBS that you did not want to attach demographic information, the remainder of the question responses will be blank.
If you wish to change your demographic responses, or want demographic information to be attached, you must make these changes in your USAJOBS account.
Select “Next” to continue.
Application review and submission
During this final step, you can review your entire application prior to submission. You must click the "Submit Application" button at the bottom of this final page to submit your application.
Confirmation Page: You will receive confirmation that your application has been submitted successfully on this page. You have three options:
1. Download (we recommend you download, save or print your entire application)
2. Go to Dashboard (view the status of your applications)
3. Return to USAJOBS
Making changes to a saved or submitted application
Prior to the closing date of the job announcement, you can:
1. Submit an application that you previously started and saved.
2. Update and resubmit a previously submitted application.
To do so, return to USAJOBS. Locate the vacancy, then click "Update Applications."
If you cannot complete any part of the application process listed above, contact the Human Resources Office/representative listed on the announcement prior to the announcement deadline.
How To See Your Application Status
- Sign into your USAJOBS account.
- Go to your application, located on the homepage — your active applications will display automatically.
- Review your list of applications. Applications are listed by the date they were last updated.
- The application status is highlighted next to each job application.
- Click the + to see more applications details. You can also find and filter your applications.
What to Expect After Applying
Once your application is in, here's what you can expect to happen next if you're selected for a role.