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    New rollout tool notifies high-risk Vets when to expect their vaccine via

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    VA researchers have long been interested in the causes of cancers, finding new treatments for different forms of cancer and evaluating existing treatments. See what we've learned about specific types of cancers, and our accomplishments along the way.

  3. 22 hours ago

    1 in 6 women & 1 in 19 men in the U.S. have been stalked in their lifetime. IPV: It’s not love. National Domestic Violence Hotline

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  5. Feb 2
    Virtual Veterans Research Town Hall Save The Date, Thursday, March 25, 10am - 12pm EDT. Hosted by the CHERP Veterans Community Advisory Board.
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    Hershel "Woody" Williams survived Iwo Jima, destroying six enemy pillboxes. When offered the COVID-19 vaccine, the Medal of Honor recipient didn't hesitate. "Definitely, take the vaccine." Read more at

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    February is National African American History Month. African American Veterans have fought for the U.S. military since the Revolutionary War. We honor the service and dedication of African American Veterans. To read more, visit

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    African American Veterans have served and fought bravely throughout our nation's history. We honor the service of these brave Americans during African American History Month.

  9. Jan 30

    Today was another huge step in the fight against COVID-19. teamed up with and the to bring vaccines to Veterans of South Jersey.

    Retired Air Force Veterans CMSgt Julio Ortega and wife Dr. Sandra Williams Ortega entering for their vaccinations.
    WWII Veteran and Honorary JWV Post Commander Mary Brill giving two thumbs up after getting her vaccination.
    WWII Veteran and Battle of the Bulge survivor Salvatore Massaro after receiving his vaccination.
    WWII Veteran Edward Corker receiving his vaccination.
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    Veteran caregivers can receive COVID-19 testing, vaccinations via

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    From inventing the implantable cardiac pacemaker, to pioneering the tech behind the CAT scan, has been innovating for 75 years. Learn about our history.

  12. Jan 11

    What is Whole Health? It's VA’s cutting-edge approach to care that supports your health and well-being. Whole Health centers around what matters to you, not what is the matter with you.

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    Jan 7

    The Anger & Irritability Management Skills (AIMS) online program has information and tools for getting along better with people and managing your reactions. Get started:

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    Country Fried Steak & Eggs: Breakfast is the most delicious meal of the day! Tomorrow only, and only at your VCS PatriotCafe. Selection varies by location. Access at certain VA Medical Centers may be temporarily limited - check with your local facility for access restrictions.

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    Jan 7

    VA's Digital Divide Consult program has helped more than 12,000 older, rural and homeless Veterans get internet access or a video-capable device for their telehealth care needs.

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    Anxiety problems are common and uncomfortable. If persistent worries start affecting your day-to-day activities, it may be time to do something about it. Learn about available VA treatment options to help manage anxiety symptoms:

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    The Under Secretary for Benefits, Dr. Paul Lawrence's webcast is one week from today! Register online to receive a reminder to tune in

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    Jan 7

    from helped lay the groundwork for the use of an anti-inflammatory drug in -19 treatment. The has issued an emergency use authorization that gives hospitalized COVID-19 patients rapid access to the drug baricitinide.

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    Jan 7

    For more than 95 years, the (VA) Research and Development program has been improving the lives of Veterans and all Americans through health care discovery and innovation. by the numbers.

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    Brother & sister —whether you’re just getting out of the service or you’ve been a civilian for years, the Welcome Kit can help guide you to the benefits and services you’ve earned. Download yours at

    a smiling older couple uses a laptop computer

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