Image NIDA for Teens The trusted source for science-based information on teen drug use and its effects. Get The Facts Image Teens Get the latest on how drugs affect the brain and body. Featuring videos, games, blog posts and more! Image Teachers Lessons, activities, and drug facts to educate teens about the effects and consequences of drug use. Image Parents Get information to help you talk with your teens about drugs and their effects, and learn where to go to... Drugs & Health Blog Image Living With an Adult Who Has a Substance Use Problem September 2020 Living with a person who has a substance use disorder can be especially difficult for young people. Take Our Poll I have a friend who held a party where there were no adults. Choices Yes No Maybe Latest Resources Image Mind Matters Series Booklets that explain how drugs change the way the communication centers in the brain work and ultimately cause their effects. Image Videos Videos explore the effects of drugs on the brain and body. Image Games Games that explore what happens to the brain and body when drugs are used.
Image Teens Get the latest on how drugs affect the brain and body. Featuring videos, games, blog posts and more!
Image Teachers Lessons, activities, and drug facts to educate teens about the effects and consequences of drug use.
Image Parents Get information to help you talk with your teens about drugs and their effects, and learn where to go to...
Image Living With an Adult Who Has a Substance Use Problem September 2020 Living with a person who has a substance use disorder can be especially difficult for young people.
Image Mind Matters Series Booklets that explain how drugs change the way the communication centers in the brain work and ultimately cause their effects.