Virtual Healthy School
CDC’s Virtual Healthy School (VHS) is an interactive tool that shows schools how to support the health and academic achievement of students through the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model.
The VHS is designed for K-12 school staff, staff in state and local departments of health or education, and agencies who have an interest in meeting the needs of the whole child. Those needs include providing students with opportunities to improve their dietary and physical activity behaviors and manage their chronic health conditions (for example, asthma, diabetes, and epilepsy). Parents and community members can also benefit from the VHS because of their powerful role in supporting children’s health and learning and ability to participate on school health teams.
Meet Principal Paul, of the Jefferson School, and tour the virtual campus. Use the school map to learn how we’ve made this virtual school a healthier place for students and staff.
You can
- Click on any of the doors in the school map or the community map to view different scenes and classrooms.
- Hover over the objects or characters in the scene or titles on the notepad to see examples of how to improve school health.
- Access detailed “How to Use” instructions at any point by clicking on the Principal Paul chat head on the top right of your screen.
Have fun exploring!