Visitor Access:
DoD and OSD components may host official visitors at the Pentagon and Mark Center.
The Pentagon Visitor Entrance (next to the Pentagon Metro) is open for approved official visitor access Monday-Friday, 6am-4pm. All approved official visitors should go to the Pentagon Visitor Entrance for screening and processing, prior to accessing the building. After-hours and on weekends, approved official visitors will continue to use Corridor 2.
The Mark Center Visitor Control Center is open Monday-Friday, 6am-2pm
All official visits MUST be registered at least 24 hours in advance through the PFPA Visitor Management System (CAC-enabled site). Staff are strongly encouraged to register visitors as early as possible. On the date of the scheduled visit, visitors must report through the Visitors Centers at the Pentagon or Mark Center. 100% of visitors will be screened for temperature and asked questions related to symptoms or exposure to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Visitors should therefore allow additional time for COVID screening when arriving at the respective Visitors Centers.
Pentagon Tours:
Currently suspended.
Escort limitations remain at 3 visitors per escort.
Temperature screenings are being conducted on all visitors at the Pentagon and Mark Center using Enhanced Body Temperature screening equipment. The device uses infrared technology to measure temperature at a distance of 6-8 feet, with a forward-looking infrared camera. After an individual enters the building, they may be asked to pause for a few seconds to take a reading. Each individual will be required to take off hats, face coverings and/or glasses. If an individual has an elevated temperature reading of 100°F (37.8°C) or higher, they will be asked to step aside for a secondary temperature screening with a non-contact forehead thermometer. If the secondary screening confirms an elevated temperature, the individual will be referred to their primary health care manager and asked to leave the Pentagon.
Official Visitors Who Have Recently Traveled:
Visitors who have traveled from or through a country designated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as Travel Health Notice (THN) Level 3 within the last 14 days should quarantine for 14 days prior to entry into the Pentagon or Mark Center in order to prevent the transmission of COVID-19; this includes official foreign visitors. Visitors who have traveled from a country designated as CDC THN Level-2 or Level-1, and who have not otherwise entered a CDC THN Level-3 country, are requested to self-monitor for 14 days upon arrival, notify their organization or the Pentagon sponsor if they develop a fever or symptoms consistent with COVID-19, and not enter into the Pentagon or Mark Center if they develop symptoms consistent with COVID-19. Visitors without symptoms or reported exposure to those positive for COVID-19 will be allowed to register and enter the Pentagon or Mark Center. The quarantine requirement for official foreign visitors may be less than 14 days if directed by the relevant Secretary of the Military Department or other DoD or OSD Component head. Country THN information may be found at the CDC COVID-19 Travel Recommendations by Destination page.
Unofficial Visitors:
Unofficial visitors (family and friends) are permitted to enter the Pentagon or Mark Center only to attend ceremonies, but, like official visitors, must register 24 hours in advance and will be required to undergo temperature checks and respond to questions prior to building entry. Unofficial visitors (family and friends) who have traveled from or traveled through a country designated as CDC THN Level-3 will not be allowed into the Pentagon or Mark Center until they complete a 14-day quarantine upon arrival in the U.S. (or less than 14 days if directed by the relevant Secretary of the Military Department or other DoD or OSD Component head). Unofficial visitors traveling from a country designated as CDC THN Level-2 or Level-1, who have not otherwise entered a CDC THN Level-3 country are strongly encouraged to self-monitor for 14 days upon arrival and notify their chain of command, supervisor, or DoD sponsor for visits should they develop a fever or symptoms consistent with COVID-19.
For personnel assigned to the Pentagon and associated facilities in the National Capital Region, including the Mark Center, Defense Health Headquarters, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, and DoD leased facilities the following pertains:
- All persons will be required to wear a cloth face covering to enter the Pentagon Reservation facilities. Upon entering the building, the Pentagon Police will require you to remove or raise your mask for identification.
- Any individual who has had contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, is in 14-day isolation or you think you have symptoms of COVID-19: Stay Home. Do not enter a Pentagon Facility. Call your health care provider and notify your supervisor.
- Any individual who has traveled internationally and is within 14 days of their arrival date into the United States, may NOT enter the Pentagon Facilities.
Pentagon Entrance Hours (as of July 13, 2020):
Pedestrian Access:
- Corridor 2 Entrance (open 24/7) (Visitors are processed at Corridor 2 after hours and on weekends.)
- Mall Entrance (open 24/7)
- Pedestrian Entrance at the Metro (open 5:00 am - 8:00 pm, Monday - Friday)
- Corridor 8 Entrance (open 5:00 am - 8:00 pm, Monday - Friday)
- River Entrance (open 5:00 am - 8:00 pm, Monday - Friday)
- Corridor 5 pedestrian entrance (open 5:00 am - 8:00 pm, Monday - Friday)
- Pentagon Visitor Entrance (open 6:00 am - 4:00 pm, Monday - Friday)
- Pentagon Library & Conference Center - remains closed
- Corridor 9 pedestrian bridge pedestrian booth (Connector Lot) - remains closed
Vehicle Access:
- River Vehicle Access Point (open 24/7)
- North Rotary & Fern Vehicle Access Point (open 24/7)
- Mall Vehicle access (open 5:00 am - 8:00 pm, Monday - Friday)
- Corridor 5 vehicle access (open 5:00 am - 8:00 pm, Monday - Friday)
- A&E Drive Vehicle Access Point (open 24/7)
- Boundary Channel Drive Vehicle Access Point (open 24/7)
- Heating & Refrigeration Plant Vehicle Access Point (open 24/7)
- North Village Vehicle Access Point (open 6:00 am - 2:00 pm, Monday - Friday)
- Remote Delivery Facility (open 6:00 am - 2:00 pm, Monday - Friday)
Pentagon Athletic Center Facilities:
The Pentagon Athletic Center (PAC) Facilities to include the Mark Center and Taylor/Polk Building Annexes are now open with limitations; Refer to the following WHS Building Circular for updated guidance:
Mark Center:
All pedestrian access points, vehicle access point, and North Garage entrance are open and operating on current scheduled hours.
Pass Offices:
The Pentagon Pass Office hours are:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Wednesday: 8:30am - 4:00pm.
The Mark Center Pass Office hours are:
Monday-Friday: 7:00am - 3:30pm
CAC Renewal:
If you are a current CAC holder and your CAC is due to expire within the next 30 days, make an appointment online to get it renewed now.
To schedule an appointment, go to Rapids Appointment Scheduler.
- Select "Make an Appointment"
- Type in "Pentagon" in the Building or Site Name box; click enter
- Select "Pentagon Pass Office"
- Select a date and time for your appointment
Pentagon and/or Mark Center Building Access - If you require access to the Pentagon or the Mark Center, please remember to bring a signed DD2249 form to your scheduled appointment. This form is required to access the building with your CAC. If you are a contractor or other holder of a PFAC card, contact your COR or sponsor.
The Pentagon pass office requests your support in the response to COVID-19. First, your building access will NOT be terminated if your CAC or PFAC is still valid (unexpired). No action is required from the CAC/PFAC holder. Second, if you need to come to the pass office to renew your CAC, please plan ahead and make an appointment using Rapids Appointment Scheduler. If you have an immediate need, the pass office will accept a very limited number of walk up customers each day. Walk up service is tightly regulated and customers who cannot be accommodated within limits dictated by social distancing requirements will be asked to leave. You will NOT be allowed to wait in the pass office or adjacent areas when the walk up queue is full.
: Open with restrictions
Out of an abundance of caution and to protect our forces and their families while safeguarding our healthcare mission capabilities, DTHC has instituted additional safety measures. DTHC is now screening all patients at the clinic entrance. Patients who:
- HAVE the following symptoms: fever, cough, shortness of breath;
- HAVE traveled to, from, or through a country under a Level 2 or 3 Travel Health Notice within the last 14 days (see; or
- HAVE been exposed to a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 14 days,
will be evaluated and treated according to current CDC recommendations.
These controlled access measures will allow DTHC to safely screen for COVID-19 while minimizing the risk to others.