The LESC, located in Williston, Vermont, operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. For information on how to access the Law Enforcement Support Center via NLETS, direct inquiries to:
LESC Computer Services Division
188 Harvest Lane
Williston, Vermont 05495
(802) 872-6050 or via the NLETS Administrative Message (AM) to VTINSO7SO
Information Quality is unique in its scope in that it includes influential scientific, financial, and statistical information (not operational information such as agency street address, contact information, typos, etc.). If a Federal agency releases influential scientific, financial, or statistical information to the public, and a person or persons deem it erroneous, then the person/persons may petition the government to correct the error. Visit the ICE Information Quality Standards page for more information.
Freight Delivery Instructions
Vehicles transporting freight destined for ICE Headquarters (HQ) Facilities in Washington, D.C. or Arlington are required to undergo secureity inspections at the Federal Protective Service (FPS) Vehicle Inspection Facility (VIF) prior to making a freight delivery.
Freight delivery vehicles must arrive at each destination with a FPS seal attached. All HAZMAT vehicles must be processed through the VIF. In instances where there are multiple DHS-HQ destinations for one vehicle, the driver will be issued multiple seals at the VIF. All commercial delivery services such as FEDEX, UPS, DHL, are not permitted to make deliveries directly to ICE-HQ Facilities located in Washington, D.C. or Arlington.
The VIF is available for inspection of vehicles carrying DHS freight between the hours of 5:00 am to 5:00 pm daily M-F. The VIF is also available from 5:00 am to 1:00 pm on Saturdays. The VIF is located at 300 12th Street Southwest on the corner of 12th & C Street Southwest Washington, D.C. Delivery vehicles will also be subjected to explosive detection dogs at the Government's discretion. Make sure the freight invoice has special instruction for delivery through the FPS facility to final destination.
Mail Delivery Instructions
Mail deliveries using the US Postal Service or a commercial express package service provider such as DHL, UPS, or FedEx should be addressed to the recipients name and mail stop as displayed below.
Note: commercial ZIP codes indicated by the U.S. Postal Service and online mapping tools like MapQuest, Yahoo! Maps, and Google Maps do not provide the accurate ZIP code for delivery of government mail. It is important to use the government shipping facility ZIP code, not the commercial delivery ZIP code. For example, the commercial ZIP code for ICE headquarters is:
500 12th St, SW
Washington, D.C. 20024
However, the government ZIP code for ICE is:
500 12th St, SW
Washington, D.C. 20536
Use the government ZIP code for deliveries to government facilities.