Federal Travel Regulations and Policies
Federal civilian employees must follow policies defined in the Federal Travel Regulation (FTR).
Federal Travel Regulation Policies For Federal Employees
The FTR includes policies on:
Other Policies That Apply To Federal Employees on Travel
Other travel-related policies that apply to federal employees include:
Federal employees who travel for work are reimbursed for their lodging, meals, and tips. The amount varies by location and time of year.
The General Services Administration (GSA) publishes continental U.S. per diem rates. GSA reevaluates the rates every fiscal year. These rates don’t include lodging taxes, which may be reimbursed as a separate expense.
The Department of Defense establishes rates for locations outside the continental U.S.
Resources for Federal Employees on Travel
The General Services Administration manages cost-saving programs for federal employees on official travel. These include:
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Last Updated:
June 26, 2020