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If you are unable to find the information you need, the CBP INFO Center is open Monday-Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Eastern time. You can submit your question online or by calling 1-877-CBP-5511 (877-227-5511). If you are outside the U.S. you must call +1-202-325-8000. (Telecommunications device for the hearing impaired: 1-800-877-8339 or
Locate a Port of Entry: Locate a port of entry by state.
CBP Headquarters: Contact a specific CBP office.
Service of Process: Procedures for service of summonses and complaints as well as subpoenas for actions against the Agency or its personnel in their official capacity. This contact information is only for notice required pursuant to litigation with the Agency or its personnel in their official capacity.
Information Correction Request: This website seeks to provide timely and accurate information. Should you see an error, please review our policies and fill out an information correction form. For I-94 information assistance, please see the "What can I do if I feel this information is incorrect?" in the I-94 FAQ at
Troubleshooting: If isn't working properly, try these troubleshooting tips.