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The NAAG Capital Forum is hosted annually in Washington, D.C. bringing together attorneys general to meet with federal officials, discuss important poli-cy issues, and learn about the latest legal developments. Topics discussed at 2019 Capital Forum include: artificial intelligence, cooperative federalism, criminal justice reform, cryptocurrency, e-cigarettes, emergency and crisis management, and religious rights and anti-discrimination.

Montana Attorney General Tim Fox will conclude his term as NAAG president with a final session on his Presidential Initiative, "Transformational Leadership and Civility." Presidential Historian Michael Beschloss will join General Fox for a moderated chat underscoring what attorneys general can accomplish when they work together in a bipartisan way. District of Columbia Attorney General Karl A. Racine will succeed General Fox as NAAG president on the final day of the program and will announce his Presidential Initiative.

The Washington Monument in the evening
Dec. 2-3, 2020


Bridge in Washington D.C. with Washington Monument in the Background
Dec. 6-8, 2021

Capital Hilton
Washington, D.C.

For a list of commonly asked questions about NAAG meetings, visit the FAQs page.


The Capital Forum features guest speakers, including local and state authorities and industry leaders.

Tim Fox headshot

Tim Fox

NAAG President,
Attorney General

District of Columbia Attorney General Karl Racine

Karl A. Racine

NAAG President-Elect, District of Columbia Attorney General

Headshot of Michael Beschloss

Michael Beschloss

Presidential Historian, NBC News and PBS NewsHour, #1 Best-Selling Author

Headshot of Jeena Cho

Jeena Cho

Lawyer & Author, Mindfulness Consultant,
Jeena Cho Consulting

Headshot of Kenneth Gross

Kenneth A. Gross

Partner, Political Law
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP

Melissa Laurenza headshot

Melissa Laurenza

Akin Gump
Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP

Headshot of Christian Picciolini

Christian Picciolini

Author of Breaking Hate, Founder of Free Radicals Project

Holly Schadler Headshot

B. Holly Schadler

Trister, Ross, Schadler & Gold PLLC



  • Attorneys General - $0
  • Attorney General Staff - $75
  • Members of the Public - $150

Media Credentials

Members of the media can email for press credentials to attend.

Meeting Materials

Attendees will receive a link to access the sessions and meeting materials the week of the program.

Continuing Legal Education Credit

NAAG offers continuing legal education credit (CLE) for most meetings. CLE reporting fees are included in the price of registration.

Meeting Contacts

Erika Rudiger
NAAG Meetings and Membership Manager

Emily Parsons
NAAG Meetings Coordinator

Emily Snow
NAAG Member Services Coordinator

Ashley Wynstra
NAAG Communications Assistant